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用竹签把小丸子串起。Hold up with the bamboo skewers.

先用清水把竹签浸30分钟。Soak bamboo skewers in water for 30 minutes.

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用竹签将牛肉块穿上。Thread the beef cubes onto the bamboo skewers.

将竹签插入苹果中央。Insert a wooden stick into the center of the apples.

青皮竹签的打印图文技术。May sign the printing chart article in the bambusa textilis.

在粟米头尾各插上一支竹签,可免烫手。Head of the corn planted in a thin bamboo sticks can be Free hot.

可用一支竹签插入中央,检查是否中央已熟。Poke with a skewer to check if the center is still soft and sticky.

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用竹签将鸡柳及大�相隔串起。Put leeks and chicken fillets into bamboo skewers in alternate manners.

用竹签相间串起青�和牛肉粒。Thread the beef cubes onto skewers alternatively with the spring onion.

用竹签在小蕃茄上刺一个小洞才加入玻璃罐内。Use a bamboo stick to gill a hole at the cherry tomato before add into the glass container.

以竹签把已调味的材料串起,放上烤炉烧至熟透即成。Thread the ingredients with skewers. Put the seafood skewers on the grill until they are done.

云狂相信了,云狂看到地图中的竹签,更加以为乐儿就在王宫。Wild believe cloud, cloud see bamboo stick in this map, more thought both in the kings palace.

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啊,我知道糖葫芦,就是那种包着红色的糖衣,串在一根竹签上的山楂。It is made of haws which are strung together on a bamboo stick and covered with red sugarcoating.

把帕尔玛火腿和鼠尾草放在肉片上,把肉捲起来,用竹签固定。Place the parma ham and sage leaves on meat, then roll up the veal and secure with wooden sticks.

硬币出现之前,贝壳、环状物、竹签、木块和布片都当钱来使用。Before coins appeared, seashells, rings, bamboo sticks, wood and pieces of cloth were all used for money.

将模具放进烤箱中,烤制18至20分钟,直到用竹签插到蛋糕中,取出来是干净的,表示蛋糕烤制好了。Place in oven and bake for 18 to 20 minutes, until a bamboo skewer inserted in the center comes out clean.

串儿应该算是烤肉的一种,只不过串在竹签儿上的肉小许多,但同样也是碳烤或是电热烧烤。Chuanr is a type of kebab – small pieces of meat on skewers roasted over charcoal or, sometimes, electric heat.

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“她现在并没有说话,”王妃的姑母挥舞着一根细竹签似的手指,喃喃说道,“那是老虎的声音。”"She's not talking now, " muttered the Rani's aunt, wagging one stick-like finger. "That tiger is throwing his voice."

之后去掉蛋壳,把三个或四个,穿在竹签上,放在火上烤,加上自己喜欢的作料即可。After removing the shell, the three or four, wearing the bamboo stick, the fire roasted, you can add your favorite condiments.

烧烤鳗鱼是将鳗鱼穿在竹签上放在热木火上烤,反复浸水,再放回火上,烤掉肉中的水汽。The eel is grilled on bamboo skewers over a hot wood fire, repeatedly dipped in water, and returned to the fire to steam the meat.