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斜长石广泛出现在各类岩浆岩中。Plagioclase widely appear in all kinds of magmatite in.

岩浆岩的结构和构造岩浆岩的分类。Texture and structure of igneous rocks and classification.

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另一类为属于二长岩—闪长岩类的岩浆岩包体。The other one is magmatic rocks of monzonitic dioritic compositions.

铜陵地区岩浆岩中产有两类岩石包体。Two types of enclaves occur in the magmatic plutons in Tongling area, Anhui.

矿区内地层和岩浆岩钼元素含量分别是克拉克值的43倍和21倍。Mo abundance of strata and magmatic rocks is 43 and 21 times of Clark value, respectively.

由于燕山晚期岩浆岩的侵入及锡矿山背斜的形成,在背斜两翼产生重力滑动构造。Thrust and gravity gliding structures are both developed in the west of Lianyuan depression.

武夷山稀有、贵金属矿带受NE向构造岩浆岩带控制。Wuyishan rare and precious metal ore belt is controlled by NE trend tectonic-magmatite belt.

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对富碱斑岩和其它4类岩浆岩进行了演化规律的对比。The evolution las of alkali rich porphyry is correlated with those of other 4 magmatic rocks.

珠江口盆地前第三纪基底主要是燕山期岩浆岩。The pre-Tetiary basement of the Pearl River Mouth Basin mainly consists of Yanshan magamatite.

哑鹿沟铅锌矿位于杨家杖子-八家子构造岩浆岩带的北东部。Yalugou Pb-Zn ore is located in the North-east place of Yangjiazhangzi-bajiazi tectomagmatic belt.

讨论了构造、岩浆岩、地层及地壳厚度等因素对重要钨矿床的控制。Control of structure, magmatic rock, strata and crustal thickness on the major W deposits is discussed.

邹庄井田正处于开发阶段,而岩浆岩侵入煤系地层对煤层煤质有很大的影响,7煤层为邹庄井田的主采煤层。The Zouzhuang coalfield is just at the developing stage and the coal seam 72 is the major one for mining.

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岩浆岩具有幔源岩浆及造山带地区火山岩的特征。The magmatite is characterized by the mantle-derived magma and the volcanic rocks occurring in orogenic belt.

由于燕山晚期岩浆岩的侵入及锡矿山背斜的形成,在背斜两翼产生重力滑动构造。The basic characteristics of gravitation gliding structure are multi layer, multi period, small scale, multi form.

研究了铜陵狮子山矿田岩浆岩及金矿床矿石和蚀变岩石的稀土元素地球化学特征。The REE geochemical characteristics of magmatic rocks and gold deposits in Shizishan ore-field of Tongling were studied.

而且,这种情况在塔里木盆地及周缘地区十分发育的镁铁质岩浆岩中具有广泛的代表性。And this case is representative among the well-developed mafic magmatic rocks in the Tarim Basin and its peripheral areas.

区域广泛分布的岩浆岩,是从加里东期至喜马拉雅期以来不同强度的多期次岩浆活动的产物。Widespread magmatic rocks, the area from the east to the Himalayan period since the intensity of the magma activity times.

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本文通过对彩霞山铅锌矿床的矿石铅、岩浆岩石铅和围岩岩石铅的同位素组成分析,来探讨成矿物质的来源。This article mainly studies the origin of ore-forming matter, by analyzing ores, strata and granites Pb isotopic composition.

它可以在各类岩浆岩、火山岩、深变质岩以及铁、铜、金等多金属矿床中出现。They occur in all kinds of magmatic , igneous and hypometamorphic rocks and iron, copper, gold and other multi-metal deposits.

文中还论述了本区矽卡岩矿床的成矿系列和岩浆岩成矿金属性问题。In this paper, ore-forming series and metallogenic specialization of magmatic rocks related to skarn deposits are also discussed.