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愿您长命百岁。Wishing you a long life.

祝您健康长寿,长命百岁。Bless you health and longevity.

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不完全起到长命百岁的作用。Not exactly the role model for longevity.

给人年金,他就会长命百岁。Give a man an annuity and he'll live for ever.

面条必须是整条不切断的,象征长命百岁。Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.

尊重对你毫无意义,你想要长命百岁,”撒旦说。You don't give a fig about respect. You want long life, " Satan said.

这是给寿星的礼物!四十岁生日快乐!祝你长命百岁!This is for the birthday boy! Happy fortieth! May you live to be a hundred!

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如果你想长命百岁,那么微笑吧——并且确保你发自内心。If you want to live to a grand old age, then smile – and make sure you mean it.

要嘛你英年早逝成为英雄,要嘛你长命百岁成为恶棍…Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

我知道你的归期可数而难料,但我希望你永远的快活,长命百岁!I know you return to count and unpredictable, but I wish you happy forever, long life!

只要不再企图逃跑或是密谋反叛,艾德慕爵士就能长命百岁。So long as he does not attempt escape or plot rebellion, Edmure will live a long life.

我相信我的父亲会长命百岁,就像我的大伯父那样活到了107岁。I believed my dad would live to be over 100 years old, as my great uncle lived to be 107 years old.

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他说他的狗狗会长命百岁,快快乐乐,并且,“没有一只狗狗在手术完显得闷闷不乐。”He said his dogs have lived long, happy lives, and “none of them are any sadder after being debarked.”

古话说,天增岁月人增寿,新春伊始,祝您身体健康,长命百岁。Saying, longer days increase longevity, who at the beginning of spring, wish you good health and long life.

如果你长命百岁,我只想比你少活一天,这样我活着的时候你一直都在我身旁。If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to a hundred minus one day. So I never have to live without you.

有些地区会在某个饺子里放上一根白线,如果哪位吃到这个饺子,则意味着长命百岁。Some Chinese put a white thread inside a dumpling, and the one who eats that dumpling is supposed to possess longevity.

听妈妈说,五丝绳也叫长命缕,是爸爸、妈妈希望孩子能长命百岁,多么美好的期望啊!Listen to mama said, five wire rope is also called the long life, is mom and dad hope children can live, the expectations of how good!

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古话说,天增岁月人增寿,新春伊始,祝您身体健康,长命百岁。The old saying said that, the day increases the years person to increase long-lived, the early spring beginning, wishes your health, the long life.

也有人把它称作幸运石、长命石,所以游客朋友走过时,一定要用手摸一摸,就会长命百岁的。It is also called Fortunate Stone, Longevity Stone by some people. So, please touch it with your hand when passing by, it will bring longevity to you.

当天,他在塔利班组织中的朋友们为他祈祷,祝愿他长命百岁。Taliban pray for his long life Osama bin Laden, if he's alive, celebrated his 50th birthday on Saturday, and his friends in the Taliban prayed for his long life.