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我到底喜欢什么?What do I love?

我们到底需要谁?Who do we want?

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到底什么是骑士?What is a biker?

到底为什么不呢?Why on earth not?

到底在哪你才能尿尿?。Where can you pee?

到底为什么要剃发?See why shave hair?

到底什么事物能让你的注意力分散呢?What distracts you?

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他到底会不会开车啊?Can he drive or not?

NP到底是什么?What is BNP exactly?

奋斗到底!Struggle to the end !

我们到底做错了什么?What did we do wrong?

你到底怎么回事!What happened to you!

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别拐弯儿抹角了,你到底戒不戒烟?Will you quit or not?

到底什么是雨石啊?What's the rain-stone?

傻女,你到底站在哪边?Whicn side are you on?

到底是谁贪了这些钱?Who is the money with?

那么萨德尔到底想要什么?So what does Sadr want?

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到底虎妞喜欢奶奶么?Do I really like granny?

我决定再难了要干到底。I decided to soldier on.

它到底可以干什么?What the hell can it do?