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日本的艺妓。The geishas of Japan.

一次,一个艺妓约请他画画。A geisha once gave him a commission for a painting.

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最早使用金箔纸的是日本京都的艺妓。The first to use gold foil is Japan's Kyoto geisha.

如今,一个艺妓的性生活已成她的隐私。Nowadays, a geisha’s sex life is her private affair.

窗外有艺妓奏乐的声音。From his window he could hear the music of the geishas.

大部分的艺妓都操业在日本古老的首都——京都。Most geisha were in Kyoto, the old capital city of Japan.

艺妓领域的另一个极端,是温泉艺妓。At the opposite end of spectrum are the hot-spring geisha.

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“艺妓一词从字面上翻译是指“艺人”。The term geisha literally translates to mean “entertainer.

他们理想中的艺妓有着精湛的技能,而理想中的妻子有着温良的品性。The ideal geisha showed her skill, while the ideal wife was modest.

另外,还将歌舞伎与同时代的浮世绘、艺妓进行了比较。In addition, with the contemporary KabukiUkiyoe, geisha are compared.

今天和两个日本闺蜜一起去京都看艺妓表演的舞蹈。Today i went to kyoto again to see geisha dance, with Noriko and Rie.

艺妓生活在一个严格的母系社会中,妇女占主导地位。The geisha women live in a strictly matriarchal society.Women dominate.

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即使需要花几年的时间来掌握,所有的艺妓们也必须学会用三味弦来演奏。All geisha must learn shamisen-playing, though it takes years to master.

她支支吾吾地说她可以再去当艺妓,或者不如去死的好。She stammers that she could be a geisha again, or better, she could die.

理想中的艺妓无忧无虑,理想中的妻子会为责任而忧郁。The ideal geisha seemed carefree, the ideal wife somber and responsible.

日本现代,在花街之外是很难见到艺妓和舞妓的。In modern Japan, geisha and maiko are now a rare sight outside hanamachi.

正如所有的艺妓,她们也要接受日本舞蹈与音乐艺术的训练。Like all geisha, they are trained in the art of Japanese dance and music.

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同时,艺妓也开始进入温泉区工作,比如热海就被授予了温泉艺妓的称号。Also, geisha working in onsen towns such as Atami are dubbed onsen geisha.

日本战败后,艺妓行业分散而混乱。After Japan lost the war, geisha dispersed and the profession was in shambles.

将那些付钱的观光者打扮成艺妓的样子是那里最常见的风景。Most common are sightings of tourists who pay a fee to be dressed up as a maiko.