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难道他没有一脸阴沉吗?Has he not a sombre look?

他的脸色马上阴沉下来。His face scowled at once.

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今天,天气有些阴沉。Today, some gloomy weather.

我阴沉着脸,瞪着他完美无瑕的面庞。I scowled at his perfect face.

她脸色阴沉。Her face was overcast with sadness.

第3天的那一天,天气是灼热和阴沉的。The days were scorching and overcast.

稍复平静后,他拥抱了脸色阴沉的马胡。Moments later, he embraced a sullen Mr.

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黑夜转成黎明,天气阴沉而寒冷。Night turned into morning, gray and cold.

一八一五是种阴沉的阳春天气。This 1815 was a sort of lugubrious April.

雨血的故事发生在一个黑暗的,阴沉的世界。Rainblood takes place in a dark, rich world.

热情、深邃的英国人,当然,还有阴沉。Soulful, deeply English and, of course, dark.

告诉你他童年是怎样阴沉的夜Tell how his boyhood was one drear night-hour

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阴沉的水可以飞费希尔的朋友。The murky water can be a fly fisher's friend.

气象员说今天是晴天,但天却阴沉得厉害。The weatherman said it would be clear cloudy.

死亡之云虽然寒冷阴沉The cloud of death, though misty, chill and cold

他很安静,话多的刚好让他不会显得阴沉。he was quiet, but said enough not to seem sullen.

他坐在那儿,一脸阴沉的怒容。He was sitting there with a face of gloomy thunder.

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这是奥克拉荷马城的一个阴沉的星期六下午。It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in Oklahoma City.

打开房门,我们那个阴沉的德国影子对着我们怒目而视。In the open doorway our surly german shadow glowers.

对所有的人来说这是清新可喜的晓色,而对他,却是阴沉暗淡的。The dawn that was smiling for all was gloomy for him.