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那是一家三流的饭店!That is a third-rate hotel!

那只是个三流公司而已。That is just a third-rate company.

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我认为那场演出是三流的。I thought that performance third-rate.

杰克毕业于一所三流大学。Jack graduated from a third grade college.

他不过是个三流的小贼罢了。He is nothing more than a small-time thief.

我只是个三流导演,一个新人。I'm just a small-time director, a new one at that.

出租车在一家破旧的三流旅馆门口停下来。The taxi stopped in front of a shabby, third-rate hotel.

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大学是三流的,这应该成为这个国家的耻辱。Colleges are third-rate and should be a national disgrace.

恩,她是普通的明星,甚至在她的国家只是三流明星。Well, she is normal star, even third level star in her country.

一流的剧本,二流的演员,三流的表演演。A, first-rate script, second-rate actor, third-rate performance.

第二流和第三流的科学家竭尽全力,却无法走很远。The second- and third-rate ones do their best but do not get very far.

谁甘愿做二流三流?那就争取做一流!Who is willing do second-class 3 stream?That is striven for do top-ranking!

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我持异议的是他们真的只做第三流的产品。I have a problem with the fact that they just make really third-rate products.

中国导弹是否跟三流的中国货一样烂,中途会坠落的那种?Will the China's missile work like its third rate products and fail on the way?

“我们正在讨论的第四利率,以三流的功率上台说话,”他说。"We're talking about a fourth-rate power taking on a third-rate power, " he said.

一言以概之,韩国的制造出口企业在世界上是一流的,但却只有三流的服务业。Korea, in short, has first-world manufacturing exporters and third-world services.

也有人说一些三流罪犯也说这种英语以骗过警察。Some say that Cockney was also used by small-time criminals to confuse the police.

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别干撕照片,烧信,撕日记这样一类三流爱情电视剧中才有人干的事。Don't dry tore photos, burn, tore diary kind of third-rate love someone in the drama.

四流人才、三流管理、二流设备、一流客户。Fourth-rate talents, third-rate management, second-rate facilities, first-rate clients.

梅西撕碎了整支皇马,他们看起来就像是一支三流球队。But that didn't stop him from carving up Real Madrid as if they were a third-division team.