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我觉得它不值这个价卷舌音舌头位置。I don't think it's worth the price.

昨天晚上我听到一个非常有趣俄语卷舌音的笑话。I heard a really funny joke last night.

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在上床睡觉前,加上一个中嘴卷舌音!一定要卷舌!You must practice English before going to bed!

去掉单词末尾的卷舌音,如fear和winterDrop your r’s at the end of words, like in “fear” and “winner”.

然而今天,在英国大部分地区,人们说话通常都不带卷舌音。Today, however, non-rhotic speech is common throughout most of Britain.

这些特征之一是出现在印度语言里的卷舌音,印欧语系和德拉威语系都存在。One of these features is the appearance of retroflex consonants in Indian languages, both Indo-European and Dravidian.

不过,在英格兰北部、苏格兰和爱尔兰的人们大部分都还保持其传统带卷舌音的口音。However, people in the north of England, Scotland and Ireland have largely maintained their traditional rhotic accents.

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卷舌音可以涉及到卷舌,或卷曲舌头得以用舌尖下侧做接触,或只是缩舌。The "retroflex" position may involve retroflexion, or curling the tongue to make the contact with the underside of the tip, or merely retraction.

大约在美国独立战争时期,在伦敦及附近地区,英格兰南部的上层阶级之间开始用非卷舌音讲话。It was around the time of the American Revolution that non-rhotic speech came into use among the upper class in southern England, in and around London.

由于英音的发音力量小,与汉语接近,又没有较难的卷舌音,中国学生学英音要容易些。Because the English sound pronunciation strength is small, approaches with Chinese, also does not have a more difficult retroflex, the Chinese student study England sound to want easy.