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然而这类主张没有一项经过了同行评议。Yet no claim has been peer-reviewed.

让群众评议一下谁当先进工作者。Let the masses discuss who will be chosen as an advanced worker.

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陪审团在隔离的评议室里作出裁定。The jury arrives at its verdict in the seclusion of the jury room.

同行评议创新是由于按照定义,创新者没有同行。Peer review innovation because by definition innovators have no peers.

你最近是否读了一篇经过同行评议的论文并想对其说几句?Have you recently read a peer-reviewed paper that you want to write about?

委员会有权评议申请人的资格。The committee are supposed to pass on the qualifications of the applicants.

他还建议建立网上发表机制,这样“既可大幅度降低学者发表费用和各单位的论文库购买费用,还便于大范围专家学者评议论文”。He also suggested the development of online publications to reduce printing costs.

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为此,埃及最高考古评议会咨询了美国的盖蒂保护研究所。The Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities asked the Getty Conservation Institute.

这样的吓人报道常常缺乏来自高质量的同行评议文献的证据。Such scare stories consistently lack evidence from quality peer-reviewed literature.

评议中的不同意见,必须如实记入笔录。Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must be truthfully entered in the transcript.

职业评议过程倾向于忽视与性别有关的生产力或论文发表模式。Career review processes tend to overlook gendered productivity or publication patterns.

该研究的结果将在未来的几个月内提交给一份同行评议的杂志。The study's findings will be submitted to a peer reviewed journal in the next few months.

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第四十三条合议庭评议案件,实行少数服从多数的原则。Article 43 When deliberating a case, a collegial panel shall observe the rule of majority.

但评议小组并未提议将今年就停止那些级别低的使命。But the panel never suggested that the low-ranking missions should be shut down this year.

有报道指出,黄对俱乐部评议五份收购所花如此长的时间感到失望。It was reported Huang became frustrated with how long the club were taking to assess up to five bids.

评议这是个极其具有想象力的作品,孩子的童真和童趣都得到了充分的发挥。This is a very imaginative art piece, the innocent of Child and his interest has been exhibited well.

同行评议制度的僵化使非共识项目得不到应有保护。The inflexible system of peer" s review makes the non-unanimous items lacked in necessary protection."

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接受本俱乐部的评议和调解。不组织、不参与有损本俱乐部的一切活动。Accept club's appraisal and intercession. Do not organize or attend activities which might damage club.

其高度专业化和信息同行评议的文章很容易适用于临床实践。Its highly specialized and informative peer-reviewed articles are easily applicable to clinical practice.

我只想让你知道,这个月的业绩评议以后,我要力荐给你升职。I just want to let you to know, after this month's performance reviews, I'm recommending you for promotion.