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及早干预是关键。Early intervention is key.

男孩左家非常及早。The boy left home very early.

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当然,我们一定得及早发现。But we have to find them first.

如果你想要一张好位子的话,及早去预订。Book early if you want a good table.

及早的价值创造和风险减少。Early value creation and risk reduction.

这是及早出笼的第二部分。This is the second half of launching fast.

如果你及早就预定机票的话,你可以节省很多钱。You can save money at a cash-and-carry sale.

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我及早给你写信,真起。I must apologize for not writing to you sooner.

及早和有预见性的恐惧,是安全之母。Early and provident fear is the mother of safety.

有病要及早治。When you are ill, see the doctor as soon as possible.

战胜乳癌的最佳方法就是及早发现癌肿。The best way to beat breast cancer is early detection.

以上诸点必须尽最及早执行。Above various spots must completely carry out most early.

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尽管来日方长,但是及早打算总没错。That's a long way off but it's not too early to make plans.

及早治疗会带来短期和长期的好处。Early treatment can have both short- and long-term benefits.

您应及早申请,最早可提前于课程开始前的120天。You should apply early, up to 120 days before classes start.

假若就此事您能及早回信的话,我们将衷心感谢。Your prompt attention in thellos matter will be appreciated.

尽管从长期投资来看,及早承认错误是好事。Even in long-term investing, it's good to admit a mistake early.

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对您及早选择和点击“测试”的通道数的变动6881。Change 6881 to the port number you chose earlier and click "test".

那的一个小平面多面整体对哪些我及早提到了。One facet of that multi-faceted whole to which I referred earlier.

引导学生明瞭自己的未来路向,及早订定人生目标。To help shape students' future paths and set a goal of life ahead.