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先验论者在自然界中发现了神圣的存在。In nature, the Transcendentalists saw the presence of the divine.

书籍和阅读对于先验论者也非常重要。Books and reading were also very important for the Transcendentalists.

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先验论者坚信毕生的心灵成长过程。The Transcendentalists believed in a process of lifelong spiritual growth.

虽不广为人知,但多数先验论者热爱音乐和艺术。Although not as well known, many of the Transcendentalists were music and art lovers.

但是,先验论者馈赠给我们的“精神实现”是什么?But what is the "spiritual achievement" the Transcendentalists have bequeathed to us?

美国论文家,诗人,19世纪初的先验论运动领袖。American essayist, poet, leader of the Transcendentalist movement in the early 19th century.

对于先验论者来说,欣赏自然意味着融入自然,与自然为伴。For the Transcendentalists, the appreciation of nature meant being in and being with nature.

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先验论者在超验主义俱乐部和其他途径组织会话。The Transcendentalists organized "conversations" through the Transcendental Club and other means.

这个时期最能清晰界定的浪漫主义文学运动就是新英格兰先验论。The most clearly defined Romantic literary movement in his period is New England Transcendentalism.

自我修养是先验论者表达精神总体哲学的术语。Self-culture is a term the Transcendentalists used to convey an overarching philosophy of the spirit.

只有寊证论者把所有的形而上学的思考看作胡说,而拒绝任何先验论。Only the positivists consider all metaphysical speculations as nonsense and reject any kind of apriorism.

但爱因斯坦不赞同康德的先验论,反对康德人为自然立法的观点,并否认几何学是康德所谓的“先天综合判断”。But, Einstein criticized Kant repeatedly for his apriorism , and didn't agree that human create laws of Nature.

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另外,先验论者并不局限他们的阅读范围,同样,我们也不该约束。In addition, the Transcendentalists were not limited in the books they chose to read, and neither should we be.

受其世界观矛盾的影响,其认识论存在着反映论与先验论的矛盾。For his incompatible world view, his epistemology has a contradiction between theory of reflection and apriorism.

美国杰出的以先验论而著称的作家受到东方思想的深刻影响。Prominent American writers, who became known as the Transcendentalists , were deeply influenced by Eastern thought.

唯一神论者也经常参与音乐、艺术和戏剧活动,先验论者提醒我们,这些评赏活动有益于心灵成长。Many UUs are involved in music, art and theatre, but the Transcendentalists remind us that this appreciation also serves the spirit.

多数唯一神论教徒大致了解先验论者,他们声称的泛神论,对自然的热爱,他们对知识和文学方面的影响力。Most UUs know vaguely of the Transcendentalists, their alleged pantheism, their love of Nature, their intellectual and literary power.

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恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。Engds' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism, rationalism, apriorism , and the theory of reflection.

恩格斯的自然科学认识论既不同于近代经验论、唯理论、先验论,也不同于反映论。Engels' epistemology of natural sciences is both different from the modern empiricism, rationalism, apriorism, and the theory of reflection.

因此,先验论者在生活的方方面面都寻求获得精神领悟和道德行为的一致性。Accordingly, the Transcendentalists sought to achieve a congruence between spiritual insights and ethical actions in all areas of their lives.