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银色月光洒下的道路。A path of silver moonbeam.

银色黎明完蛋了!The Argent Dawn is finished!

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银色的勺子进入锅中。Silver spoons go into the pot.

银色的铃铛和扭曲的贝壳。Silver bells and cockle-shells.

银色的月光多明亮。The silvery moonbeams so bright.

暗色基调上闪耀着银色。Shimmery silver with a dark base.

妈妈,比利-寇根有条银色的裤子。Mum, Billy Corgan has silver pants.

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草坪是银色的并且闪闪发光。The grass was silvery and sparkled.

蓝色花、银色花,紫色的花苞待放。Blue, silver-white and budded Tyrian.

看着漆黑天幕中的银色的花。Looking at silver bloom against black.

一只银色的海鸥从西边滑降。A silver gull slips down from the west.

银色,是划过脸庞的泪滴。Silver is the tears droped from my eyes.

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月儿开始发出银色的光辉。The moon began to show her silver flame.

银色天鹅,生存于无迹。The silver swan, who living had no note.

她的手指在银色的按键上翩翩起舞。Her fingers danced along the silver keys.

把梳妆台涂成银色也是她主动要求的。She also asked that her dresser be silver.

走上台阶有是一个银色的门铃面板。Steps led up to a silver panel of buzzers.

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月光使他的脸像是戴上了银色的假面具。The moon made his face into a silver mask.

是一罐依次倒出的银色鱼身。A tin of silvery bodies falling into place.

被青春的风用银色的露水滋养。And the young winds fed it with silver dew.