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我的家史可追溯至18世纪。My family goes back to the 18th century.

福克纳追述了康普生家史。Faulkner traces the history of the Compson family.

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要找到一个人的家史是很难的。It is quite difficult to find one's family history.

著名的拳击家史密斯先生竞技状况甚佳。Mr Smith, the famous pugilist, is in hard condition.

有抑郁家史,尤其是近亲中depression runs in your family, especially in close blood relatives

新闻记者采访了那位老人,核查了他的家史。The reporter interviewed the old man and checked out his family history.

毒物学家史必乐是肯塔基地区毒物中心主任。Toxicologist Spiller is director of the Kentucky Regional Poison Center.

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在家史领域,不同的序位和律法在运行着。In the area of family history, different orders and laws are being applied.

国际劳工组织的经计揭捉家史蒂夫·卡普索斯说,“受伤一代”年青工作者的人数在持续增添。ILO economist Steve Kapsos said this scarred generation of young workers continues to grow.

年轻时,他的父亲和祖父常常同他说起他们的家史。In his youth, his father and grandfather often told him stories about their family history.

来自美国亚利桑那州立大学的科学家史蒂夫·拉夫参加了该项研究。Research scientist Steve Ruff from Arizona State University in the US, took part in the study.

为原则而斗争比实践该原则要容易。----英国作家家史蒂文森.A。It is easier to fight for principles than to live up to them. ----Adlai Stevenson, British writer.

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他正在研究家史,因此他把所有的时间用在图书馆里,查找参考资料。He is studying his family history, so he spends all his time in the library, hunting up references.

所有家史、英雄、战事和旅行的情况都是世代相传的。All the stories of families, heroes, wars and journeys are passed down from generation to generation.

俄国人类学家史禄国在中国早期人类学史上充当了要角。Shirokogoroff, a Russian anthropologist, was an important figure in the early history of Chinese anthropology.

的确,最高的皮肤癌患病几率似乎指向白皮肤的人群,或有皮肤癌患病家史的人群。It's true that highest skin cancer risks seem to fall on those with fair skin or family history of skin cancer.

牙签艺术家史蒂芬贝克曼塑造这个旧金山的标志性建筑,金门大桥的微型复制品。Toothpick artist Steven Backman has carved this miniature replica of San Francisco's landmark, the Golden Gate Bridge.

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她也和摇滚歌手,乐器演奏家史蒂夫.温伍德交上了朋友,他们有时还一起进行表演。She is also friends with the rock singer and instrumentalist Steve Winwood, and they have sometimes performed together.

这个技巧由精神学家史蒂芬。拉博兹发明,即当梦境正在进行时强制改变自己的认知。This technique, created by psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge, stresses the recognition of dreaming while it's in process.

著名恐怖小说作家史蒂芬·金将成为第一位仅在互联网上售书的畅销书作家。Horror writer Stephen King is set to become the first best-selling author to release his work exclusively over the internet.