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于是天平严重倾斜,大势已去,我的左手回天乏术。So the balance is clined seriously. my left hand failed.

他明白自己在选举中大势已去,于是承认失败。When it was clear that he would lose the election, he conceded defeat.

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看大势已去,项羽只好投乌江自杀。Unable to stage a comeback, Xiangyu committed suicide at Wujiang River.

由于大势已去,逃兵的人数日益增多。With the roof caving in, there were an increasing number of desertions.

吴霸天见大势已去,决定弃守撤退庞城。Wu the day see half the battle, decided to abandon keep PangCheng retreat.

1944年6月,日本大势已去,但战争还要继续再打14个月。By June, 1944, Japan was defeated, though the war would continue for another 14 months.

团城商会会长见大势已去,就想跟八路军和好。TuanCheng chamber of commerce chairman see be on the decline, wants to be reconciled with the eighth route army.

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缺少北约组织提供的空中军火来控制整个国家,他大势已去的仍挣扎在多重的前线中。Deprived by NATO of the air power required to control his huge country, he ran out of steam to fight on multiple fronts.

和大家一样,当我开始健身,我大势已去二头肌更大,甚至强硬,我很幸运,有良好的手臂遗传学。Like everybody else, when I started bodybuilding, I waned bigger biceps , even tough I am blessed with good arm genetics.

在过去的几年中,绝对唯物论大势已去。Over the past several years, the momentum has shifted away from hard-core materialism. The brain seems less like a cold machine.

同时他们通过对于我们的要求不断拖延最后的投降来作为回应,尽管他们知道自己大势已去。At the same time they respond by dragging out their final capitulation to our demands, in spite of knowing that their cause is lost.

黑暗势力也感觉到了,由于我们的不断限制他们的行动、他们知道大势已去。The dark Ones are also feeling the same affect, and together with the restrictions we have placed upon them realize that their cause is lost.

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随着民政部、证监会等一系列文件的出台,职工持股会似乎已是穷途末路、大势已去。With the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Commission issued a series of documents, ESOP Association appear to be desperate, hopeless situation.

华北的大势已去,却对长江流域的公众隐瞒了事情的真相和严重的程度。The nature and the scope of the dissolution in North China, however, was at this time well concealed from the general public in the Yangtze Valley.

至于支持皇室、曾经因激进反对他信而为军队介入制造条件的“黄衫军”则似乎大势已去。As for the pro-royal “yellow shirts”, hotheads whose anti-Thaksin protests created the conditions for the army coup, they appear to be a busted flush.

而在各自领域执牛耳的两强联手,希望能在还未大势已去的情况下开发出一种可行的替代产品在市场上与苹果和Google竞争。By combining forces, the two companies, both giants in their own right, hope to produce a viable alternative to Apple and Google before it's too late.

我知道我最先是要5百万来着,但当我开始写这封信的时候,我的财政状况又进一步恶化,大势已去矣。I know that I originally asked for five, but since I started writing this letter my financial situation has deteriorated in grave and unexpected ways.

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最后,大势已去,拉吉尼斯答应投降,以免手下将士无谓牺牲,然后用手榴弹把自己炸死。When the situation became hopeless, Raginis agreed to surrender to prevent unnecessary deaths of his soldiers, and then blew himself up with a grenade.

第二天情报部门注意到,虽然还没有意识到大势已去或整体投降,德国兵进行的是混乱的防御战。The following day intelligence noted, The Boche , although not in any sense getting up and surrendering in mass, are fighting a disorganized defensive battle.

反对利比亚政府的活动于今年2月开始,反对派随后迅速夺取了利比亚东部大部分地区,但当卡扎菲部队重新整编后,反对派似乎大势已去,面临失败的窘境。When the uprising began in February, rebels quickly seized large parts of eastern Libya, but it looked poised to collapse once Col. Gadhafi's forces regrouped.