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移植工具。Porting tools.

有随车工具吗?What about tools?

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这工具已不能使用。This tool's buggered.

一个发情检测工具。A heat detection tool.

半圆形形状工具。Semicircle shape tool.

业务级工具。Business-level tooling.

每件工具都放在应放的位置。Every tool is in place.

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新工具的采用率。New tool adoption rate.

那便是工具主义。That's instrumentalism.

一应工具均已备齐。All the tools are ready.

他腾出自己的工具袋。He emptied his tool bag.

它是一种施刑工具。It is a form of torture.

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农、工具及园林工具。Farm tools, garden tools.

我认为它是个很好的工具。I think it's a good tool.

把借出的工具要回来。Recall the tools on loan.

测试和分析工具。Test and profiling tools.

那工具是什么?Zedd, what is that thing?

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我在商店买的这件工具。I got this tool in a shop.

铁制工具易受腐蚀。Iron tools corrode easily.

选择润饰工具。Selects the Retouch tools.