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这间办公室看起来像是一个私设的公堂。The office looked like a kangaroo court.

娱乐公司应该珍惜它们,而非将其告上公堂。They need to be cherished byentertainment companies, not sued.

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我的生活中充斥着警车的汽笛声、医生的验伤报告以及在家庭法庭对付公堂的场景。Life became a blur of police sirens, doctor's reports and family court appearances.

谷歌仍然可以放弃此次交易,或者选择和政府对薄公堂。Google could still walk away from the deal altogether, or fight the government in court.

干脆得制止这种人发言,要不真是十足的捣乱公堂……Oh, that kind of people should be simply stopped, or they will become real obstructionists.

即使这行不通,他妻子也会有一沓与他对质公堂的凿凿证据。Failing that, his wife will have a sizable dossier with evidence of infidelity to confront him with.

真证人突然出现在公堂之下,作伪证的立即被当堂揭穿,金吾子重新被打入死牢。It suddenly appeared in court witness, perjury was immediately when exposed to Wuzi gold into death row.

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纽约洪门致公堂李永耀总理、许健生主席等在中华公所召开记者会,宣布在华埠举办夏日活动事宜。Members from Chinese Freemasons held a press conference at CCBA, to announce hosting summer events in Chinatown.

于金山主席等出席纽约洪门致公堂在哥伦布公园举办的首届醒狮观摩大赛。President Justin Yu attended the First Lion Dance Competition hosted by the Chinese Freemasons at Columbus Park.

“我不愿意再扰乱公堂,”冉阿让接着说,“你们既然不逮捕我,我就走了。"I do not wish to disturb the court further," resumed Jean Valjean. "I shall withdraw, since you do not arrest me.

振锋因要对付的人是婉贞而心烦,他与惠琳交谈后决定把公堂搬到杜家。Up front for dealing with people is wan zhen and upset, he decided to move the court to du after talking to HuiLin home.

研究人员表示,比起那些被曝光而对薄公堂的实例来说,这种情况更为常见。Research suggests this sort of scenario is more common than the odd high-profile case that makes it to court would suggest.

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纽约洪门致公堂在中华公所举行记者会,公布一月十一日举办首届醒狮观摩大赛事宜。The Chinese Freemasons announced the detail information of the First Lion Dance Competition that would be hosted on January 11.

到迦流作亚该亚方伯的时候,犹太人同心起来攻击保罗,拉他到公堂And when Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat

今年亚利桑那州实行的反移民法在州外激起一波波抗议浪潮,联邦政府也把它告上了公堂。This year Arizona’s anti-immigration ordinance sparked protests far beyond the state’s borders and a lawsuit from the federal government.

而且监控时所用的软件似乎与最近被告上公堂的宾夕法尼亚州校区所使用的监控软件类似。It looks like the same software used by the Pennsylvania school that is being investigated for covertly spying on students through their webcams.

已故乐坛天王迈克尔-杰克逊的父亲——乔-杰克逊将于下个月六号,再上公堂,希望可以名正言顺地获得儿子遗产的管理权。Joe Jackson, father of the late pop star Michael Jackson, has been granted a hearing on October 6 to attempt to remove the executors of his son's estate.

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看见这些成群的黑衣人立在公堂门前低声耳语,那总是件令人寒心的事。It is always a heart-breaking thing to see these congregations of men robed in black, murmuring together in low voices, on the threshold of the halls of justice.

不过,该郡市长表示,警察局若是拒绝承担责任或者双方达不成和解的话,则要与该母女对薄公堂了。However, the county mayor, said the police refused to take responsibility if the parties fail to reach settlement, or if, they have to thin with the daughter of a courtroom.

"若AIG没有需要隐藏的东西,而且并不因发放奖金感到困窘的话,现在就应该交出名单.隐瞒高额奖金的时代必须终结,"库莫在声明中称,"我们不愿意就这个问题和AIG公堂相见,但AIG让我们没有选择馀地.""If AIG has nothing to hide and is not embarrassed about these payments, they should turn over the list now. The era of shrouding huge bonuses in secrecy must end," he said in a statement.