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这是典型的自我陶醉。It's classic narcissism.

这真是有些自我陶醉天真烂漫。Its a mixture of narcissism and naivety.

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他怎么能那么自我陶醉?What gives? How could he be so narcissistic?

她就怀着这种自我陶醉式的信心走了。In this self-complacent conviction she departed.

他唱歌时自我陶醉的样子真可笑。To revel in conceit or self-importance, usually insensibly.

既能弥漫的让人流连忘返,又能氤氲着使人自我陶醉。Both diffuse hard to forget, but also dense with people narcissism.

购物只能满足短期的自我陶醉的需要。Purchases simply satisfy the short-term need for self-gratification.

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凯鲁亚克和他周围人物的集体自我陶醉欲最终使人厌烦不已。The collective narcissism of the Kerouac circle is ultimately boring.

我首先为这一篇自我放纵、自我陶醉的文字道歉。I do apologize in advance for this piece of self-indulgent narcissism.

当然,自我陶醉也无形中使到陈董越来越来有信心。Of course, self-satisfaction is tantamount enabling me to be more confidence.

她丝毫没有表现出同龄人那种自我陶醉以及虚无主义的倾向。She exhibited none of the narcissistic and nihilistic tendencies of her peers.

怯懦,愤世嫉俗,完全的自我陶醉集于一身,从头到尾,他就是一个默不作神的恶棍。Cowardly, cynical and wholly self-obsessed, he's every bit the pantomime villain.

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只是从自我陶醉的雅痞们变为网络弄潮儿之后又成为了共和党寡头。Just narcissistic yuppies who became dot-commers and then Republican greed-heads.

他是非常自我陶醉和过份放肆,同时操纵控制,恶言谩骂。He is extremely narcissistic and passively aggressive and controlling as well as abusive.

我指着红烧猪蹄,得意洋洋,自我陶醉。I proudly pointed at the pig's feet braised in soy sauce, revelling in my own achievement.

他丝毫不认为自己内向孤僻,他在自己的程序术语和代码世界里孤芳自赏,自我陶醉。Very much an introvert, he feels most comfortable in the world of code and programming jargon.

交易日记会让你专注在事实,避免了自我谴责和自我陶醉。A trading diary helps you put aside self-kicking or self-congratulation and pay attention to the facts.

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就让上帝来为他唯一擅长自我陶醉的作品来挑选合适的职业吧。Leave it to God to have picked the proper occupation for his only creature capable of such self-delusion.

他们并不坏,只不过从自我陶醉的雅痞变为网络弄潮儿之后,又成为了共和党寡头。They aren't bad people. Just narcissistic yuppies who became dot-commers and then Republican greed-heads.

看着自己挑的西服她自我陶醉,对自己的眼光她向来自信!Looking at the business suits which she chose, she felt a little inebriety . She was very confident of her sight!