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中国传统道德卷帙浩繁,博大精深。There are many kinds of traditional moral rules in China.

关于洁食律法的著述可谓卷帙浩繁,其中许多成书于两千多年前。Many of these books date back as far as two thousand years ago.

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傣族贝叶典籍历史悠久、卷帙浩繁,是傣族传统文化的百科全书。The numerous Dais Pattra-leaf classics have a long history and are the encyclopedia of the Dais traditional culture.

有元以来的汉籍文献卷帙浩繁,内容丰富包括刑事法律规范,民事法律规范,社会组织方式,婚姻家庭习惯法。They include criminal and civil laws and regulations, social organization modes as well as marriage and family laws.

西方文论源远流长,内容丰富,卷帙浩繁,是属于全人类的一份宝贵文化遗产。The Western literary theories have a long history . Its' content are rich. It is a precious cultural heritage which belongs to whole mankind.

纳西族在其社会历史发展过程中创制了独特的象形文字,产生形成了卷帙浩繁的东巴经历史档案。During its process of social historical development, the Naxi People invented the unique pictograph and wrote a vast literature of history archives.

在苏轼卷帙浩繁的散文作品中,文学散文尽管数量不多,却有极高的艺术成就和审美价值。Of Su Shi's voluminous prose works, his Iiterary prose, though not so large in number, is credited with superb artistic accomplishments and aesthetic value.

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另一方面他的译作独具特色,从卷帙浩繁的其他译作中脱颖而出、独领风骚,对他所处的社会产生了深远的影响。On the other hand, his translations, regarded as literary excellence in other tremendous translations, have exerted a far-reaching influence on the society.

元、明、清三代,蒙古族汉文作家队伍逐渐强大,创作出了体裁多样、卷帙浩繁的文学作品。During the Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties, the ranks of Mongolian writers who wrote in Chinese were gradually getting stronger and created vast and numerous literary works.

证据提出者可以使用概要、图表或者计算,证明不便于在法院加以审查的卷帙浩繁的书写品、录制品或者影像的内容。The proponent may use a summary, chart, or calculation to prove the content of voluminous writings, recordings, or photographs that cannot be conveniently examined in court.