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小镇的尽头。End of town.

他为这个小镇造的。He built it for the town.

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我住在临河的一个小镇上。I live in a town on the river.

我在一个小镇长大。So, I grew up in a small town.

这是阿科小镇上的古堡。This is the old castle of Arco.

这个小镇,就是枫泾。This town is named "Feng Jing".

一切资源僵供渝民小镇之用。All Resources for VIC TOWN only.

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他们都住在同一个小镇上。They both lived in a small town.

高屋建瓴的小镇之上。Above the roof-peaks of the town.

这条公交线路经过许多小镇。This bus line goes to many towns.

宏村是典型的江南小镇。Hongcun is a typical southern town.

骑手策马驰过小镇。The rider galloped through the town.

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星期四是普这个小镇的赶集日。Thursday is market day in this town.

我们慢慢开进小镇的一个房车停靠点。We pull into the town’s one RV park.

尘土盖满了小镇的主街。Dust carpeted the town's main street.

我住在一个叫莘口的小镇上。I live in a small town called Xinkou.

小镇在赶集那天总是热闹非凡。The town's always busy on market day.

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这个小镇里有个小修道院。There was a priory in the small town.

你觉得林边小镇很好,对吧?You got it good in Timberline, right?

餐后,我们开始参观隆达小镇。After eating, we began to visit Ronda.