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这里真的让人感到自由自在,It's really liberal

皮皮的生活是多么无拘无束,自由自在!Pipi how life is free, free!

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无论对于生活还是工作,我都自由自在,从心所欲。I am free in my life and in my work.

但我一直安于自由自在。But I have always been a free spirit.

常言道,蝴蝶是自由自在的。Butterflies are free, the saying goes.

他宁愿自由自在地与垃圾为伍。He preferred living freely wth rubbish.

有生以来我第一次感到如此自由自在。I’m free for the first time in my life.

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这是一种自由自在,令人赏心悦目的生活。It was a commodious and a diverting life.

倘若不被你奴役,我绝不会自由自在。Except you enthrall me, never shall be free.

燕子自由自在地飞翔。Swallows fly about, carefree and at liberty.

我为什么不能像小鸟一样在蓝天上自由自在地翱翔呢?Why can't I fly like a bird in the blue sky?

牛群在平原上自由自在地走动。Herds of cattle roamed at will over the plain.

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他是个自由自在、不谈恋爱的人。He is a footloose and fancy-free type of person.

我想地滑,空翻像他们一样自由自在。I wanted to glide and spin and fly like the did.

杰基·科克伦在天空中感到自由自在。Jackie Cochran felt very much at home in the sky.

曾经,我们两小无猜,自由自在。I was her, she was me, we were young, we were free.

或许你想自由自在的为自己工作。Maybe you want the freedom of working for yourself.

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水牛以前常常自由自在地在科罗拉多平原上漫步。Buffalos used to roam freely on the Colorado Plains.

他情绪很好,英俊倜傥,自由自在而又意志坚强。He is in good spirits, handsome and free and strong.

沉侵在爱里,你会感到幸福快乐、生气勃勃、自由自在。When this is persent, you are happy, alive, and free.