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让每个人都人尽其才。Let every man do his best.

让每个人都人尽其才。Let every man so his best.

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那就不会伤害了李贝卡,而又把最好的钢用在刀刃上,真是人尽其才,两全其美。That way Rebecca doesn't get hurt, and the best person gets the job!

从而使企业真正做到人尽其才,才尽其用。So that the business really the best use of them before they make the best use.

他跳线似的开始了自己的导演生涯,而在这个行业里,人尽其才。He jump-started his career, and in the movie business, you do what you gotta do.

所谓“权力下放”,就是对上级派给你的助手要人尽其才。Delegating means making the best possible use of that new assistant they've assigned you.

这种人尽其才、物尽其用的人机系统是当前企业管理体系中计算机应用的主要格局。This system is the main pattern of using the computer into the management of the enterprise.

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在我们所处的时代,我们知道我们需人尽其才,集思广益。In the times that we face, we know we don’t have a person to waste, we don’t have an idea to overlook.

理论研究表明,人尽其才需要良好的环境。The theoretical research showed that letting everybody fully display his talents needs a good environment.

善于用人所长,使公司的每个员工都最大限度地发挥自己的长处,做到人尽其才。Best Use director, so that every employee have the maximum play to their own strengths, abilities and talents.

优秀员工是我们公司最宝贵的资产,我们必须以人才为本,做到人尽其才,奖励优秀。Great people, allowed to grow at the pace of their talent and compensated accordingly, are the most valuable assets of our company.

公司本着“人尽其才,才尽其用”的方针最大限度的激发员工的积极性和创造性。The company spirit of "make the best use of only the best use" approach to maximize the excitation of staff enthusiasm and creativity.

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一职多能,人尽其才的一条龙的快捷服务将会是21世纪前厅服务的发展趋势。Position the multi-energy, earned a one-stop service will be quick in the 21st century the development trend of the front office services.

老一套的态度,即员工听从指挥,而不能自做主张或独断独行,常常使得员工不能人尽其才。The old attitude that employees follow instructions and are unable to make decisions or act on their own initiative leads to underused people.

我们以人才为根本,渴求并广聚有激情、有责任、有能力、有业绩的全球贤才,使人尽其才,人才辈出。As a talent-based company, we aspire to attract passionate, responsible, competent professional and make best use of their knowledge and skills.

社会要富,不但要多生产,还要人尽其才,物尽其用,把生产出来的东西用好。If the society is to be wealthy, we should produce more, make the most of human resources and materials , and put what we produce into good use.

为此,制造企业迫切需要一种切实可行的管理理念来改变生产的现状,实现社会的人尽其才、物尽其用,实现中国作为世界制造工厂的地位和优势。Today as a factory of the world, Manufacturing factories in China need a new method to improve the status quo and make full use of our advantage.

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公司老板杰夫韦纳的设想是最终每位潜在的求职者都能在网上搜索到空缺的职位及其所需的技能,使社会能更加人尽其才。Jeff Weiner, the firm's boss, imagines that eventually every job opening and its requisite skills will be digitally searchable by every potential candidate.

多元化经营是人力资源动态管理的归宿,也实现了人力资源的合理布局,人尽其才,物尽其用。Multi-access management system is the final goal of the dynamic management of human resource, which will realize the reasonable distribution of hu- man resource.

要实施人才强校战略,高校必须加强人才资源开发,努力做到人尽其才。It is an inevitable tendency for universities to enhance human resources development and try to make talented professionals do their best according to their lights.