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我干脆拒绝你们的那个宪章。I refuse your charter point-blank.

财阀家族宪章。Family constitution of the zaibatsu.

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人民接受宪章便是退位。A people which accepts a charter abdicates.

它违反了联合国宪章第48条。It contravened article 48 of the UN Charter.

我有一对宪章运动的发展前排的座位。I've had a front-row seat to the charter movement's growth.

在联合国宪章中,仍多次使用了"敌国"这一提法。Several references to “enemy states” remain in the U.N. Charter.

桌子上不巧正摆着一份著名的杜凯宪章。On the table lay an unfortunate copy of the famous Touquet Charter.

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这五项原则是联合国宪章的具体表现。These five principles represent the crystallization of the UN Charter.

只有宪章成员国的授权用户才能申请图像。Only authorised users from Charter member countries can request images.

但对于这个本已多极化的国家,该宪章可能会让这个国家更加四分五裂。But the new charter risks further dividing an already polarised country.

亨利卢米斯相比VOA美国之音宪章美国宪法。Henry Loomis compared the VOA charter to the United States Constitution.

宪章中的理想依然照亮着世界,我们不能以经验之谈放弃这些理想。Those ideals still light the world, and we will not give them up for expedience's sake.

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让DLR成为这份宪章的成员也将让人们可以正式地获取它们的宝贵资源。Having DLR as part of the charter would also formalise access to their valuable resource.

一九七四年十二月大会通过了各国经济权利义务宪章。In December 1974, the Assembly adopted a Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.

这是载于我们的建国宪章的基本信念。It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.

布洛德尔的办公室,横跨Yaquina湾从宪章渔船卸太阳燃烧的垂钓者。Across Yaquina Bay from Brodeur's office, charter fishing boats unload sun-burned anglers.

它是写进开国宪章的信条,宣示了这个国家的命运。It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.

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章联合国的宪章关于自卫,请问是在这里适用?Chapter 7 of the United Nation's Charter talks about self-defense, how does that apply here?

联合国宪章是我们这个伟大机构的精神象征。The Charter of the United Nations is the animating spirit and soul of our great institution.

新教也有很多不同的方法来做到这点,新教的是宪章式体系。You also have different Protestant ways to do this which are constitutional kinds of systems.