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那种布容易着色。That cloth dyes easily.

高级语法着色。Advanced syntax coloring.

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以下是着色之后的乌奴奴Here's Uluru after being colorized

根据构造型属性值来着色Color by stereotype attribute value

新的运动迷,新的配对,新的着色!New fandom, new pairing, new coloring!

用于所有渲染的着色器脚本。Shader scripts used for all rendering.

获取材质着色器的标签值。Get the value of material's shader tag.

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你可以添加新的着色器并进行调节。You can add new shaders and tweak them.

阳性细胞胞浆着色。Positive cells were stained with cytoplasm.

他用黄蜡笔给画着色。He coloured the picture with a yellow crayon.

请您的照片着色他们独特的!Make your pictures unique by colorizing them!

纹章甲不正确的着色被修正。Incorrect coloring of heraldic mails is fixed.

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如何通过纹理举9像素着色器吗?。How to pass textures to DirectX 9 pixel shader?

设定一种用于对眼睛重新着色的自定义颜色。Sets a custom color when re-colorizing the eyes.

还要注意到对这两项语法的着色。Also notice syntax coloring of these two entries.

我同样给着色的地方添加了一下斑点。I was also splotchy with where I added the color.

制作一张黑白照片,然后给这一点着色。Make it black and white with just a bit 'o color.

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那么早期的雕刻工艺师是用什么颜料着色的呢?What did early scrimshaw artists use for pigment?

为一个着色器属性名获取唯一标识。Gets unique identifier for a shader property name.

齿面接触印痕的检查是用着色法检查。Use chromatic way to check imprints of gear flanks.