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而是对霸权的蔑视。It is a thumbing of the nose at hegemony.

英荷曾爆发过几次争夺海上霸权的战争There are various wars over control of the seas.

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我们并不沉迷于世界霸权。We do not have an obsession with world hegemony.

他坚定地要挑战瑞典的霸权。He was determined to challenge Swedish supremacy.

单极化的美国霸权是不能成功的。Unipolar hegemony of the United States can not be successful.

美元处于霸权地位的情况已持续了半个世纪。For half a century the dollar has been the hegemonic currency.

它创造的是一个自由主义的霸权秩序,美国居于其顶端。It created a liberal hegemonic order with the U.S. at its top.

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美国对古巴的霸权有其历史根源。After the America-Spanish war, U. S. built its hegemony in Cuba.

当然,这也是耶鲁建立,"世界学术霸权"的大计and of course, this is a part of Yale's plan for world domination.

军事分析家们感到恐慌,他们将中国视为美国在西太平洋上海洋霸权地位的一个日益强大的威胁,而中国安全专家则倾向于嘲笑这些危言耸听。China security specialists tend to scoff at all the scaremongering.

欧洲势力的逐渐地入侵,结束了这种地域性的霸权。European influence gradually brought an end to this regional power.

历史上所有力图夺取全球霸权的势力发源于欧亚大陆。All the historical pretenders to global power originated in Eurasia.

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但那样将会让我们成为像英国一样日益没落的霸权。But that would put us in the role of Britain as the declining hegemon.

世界霸权的地位的最终关键是其军事优势。The final key to Europe's world hegemony was her military superiority.

奥巴马试图维护美国在亚洲地区的霸权。He is still keen to assert U. S. supremacy in Asia Pacific -- so the U.

与历代强国不同,我们没有追求世界霸权。For unlike the great powers of old, we have not sought world domination.

二十年来,美国就是无可争议的全球霸权。For two decades the United States has been the undisputed global hegemon.

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英语作为国际通用语,目前在世界上具有实际的霸权地位。As a global language, English is now playing a hegemonic role in the world.

葛兰西的文化领导权蕴涵着从“霸权”到“合法化”的理论旨趣。The culture hegemony theory embodies the purport from hegemony to legalization.

六十多年间,迦太基和罗马为了争夺世界霸权持续交战。For more than 60 years, the Carthaginians and the Romans fought for world power.