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他们是怎样被甄选出来的?How were they selected?

针对第一部分的课程甄选足额的教员。How does a Division get started with the RLI program?

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因此,现在为什么不开始甄选这些人并主动与他们联系呢?So why not start identifying and reaching out to these contacts now?

我们希望今天为你甄选的这些图片能够驱散这种不实之论。We hope the images, we picked up for you today, will dispel this myth.

传统的人才甄选评价方法越来越受到各方面的质疑。The traditional intellectual selection method is disbelieved by people.

为了找到合适的投资品,我使用金融数据服务公司FactSet的数据来进行甄选。To find candidates, I ran a screen using FactSet, a financial-data service.

相关的文章有4827篇,其中283篇选择了运用连续甄选技术作分析。Of 4827 articles, 283 were chosen for analysis using a series selection technique.

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而绩效记录原理则展示了一种甄选营销高手的博弈分析方法。In this paper a game theory is presented on the bais of performance record principle.

实际上,如果他们在甄选过程中有发言权的话,最终的决定可能会更合理。indeed if they were given a voice in selection processes, better decisions might result.

在同一时间,实际甄选活动将所作的贫困户。At the same time, the actual selection of activities will be made by the poor households.

常设的中央局总部设在巴黎,中央局总干事由委员会甄选产生。A permanent Central Bureau has its headquarters in Paris. Its Director is chosen by the Committee.

甄选自然成熟的新鲜芒果,配以清纯原香的法国乳脂奶油,颗颗大小均匀的果粒。The natural selection of fresh ripe mango, with pure raw sweet French cream, uniform fruit grains.

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申请者报读学历颁授或专业课程,一般须经过甄选程序。For award-bearing and professional programme, applicants will normally go through selection process.

像早期的李媒婆一样,真命天子相约网承诺为其客户进行初步的甄选。Like Matchmaker Li earlier, the Right Stuff promises to do some initial screening for its customers.

制定行政采购流程,甄选供应商,价格谈判及合同审核。Formulate admin-related purchasing procedure, vendor sourcing, price negotiation and contract review.

只是在少数最知名的案件中,报道庭审的记者才对陪审团的甄选予以密切关注。It is only in the few most celebrated cases that court reporters pay close attention to jury selection.

首先分析基于胜任素质的人才甄选过程中的模糊因素,然后构建多准则模糊决策的数学模型。This paper first analyses the fuzzy factors, and then constructs a multi-criteria fuzzy decision model.

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最终,经过联合甄选,有10个国家的项目得到了这笔资金的支持。Eventually, through a joint-selection process, 10 country projects have been supported with these funds.

第五条本奖助学金名额须先经本校「外国籍学生申请入学甄选委员会」审核。The number of scholarships available is subject to the approval of The Foreign Student Applications Committee.

阿卜杜拉称女性还将有可能“加入到全男性的”舒拉上议院委员会中来,这个委员会的成员全部由阿卜杜拉亲自甄选、委任。Abdullah says women will also be appointed to "join the all-male" Shura Council, which is selected by Abdullah.