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庆幸的是,本作并没有辜负众望。Thankfully it didn’t disappoint.

你人缘好人气旺赢得众望。You are win popular with masses.

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他在影片中的演出有负众望。His film performance didn't come to expectation.

她在影片中的表演有负众望。Her film performance didn't come up to expectations.

他在影片中的表演有负众望。His film performance didn't come up to our expectations.

他在影片中的表演有负众望。His film performance didn't live up to our expectations.

右边的是在第二段时期的唐宁街的温斯顿·丘吉尔,他同样有负众望。Right, Winston Churchill's second period in Downing Street was also a disappointment to many

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帕台农神庙正是由古雅典公推最孚众望的政治家培里克利斯一手促成的。Construction of the parthenon was championed by pericles athens's most popular elected politician.

此外,建立国民健康服务体系,这个奥巴马先生最孚众望的立法目标仍然遥遥无期。Moreover, Mr Obama's most coveted legislative aim, the creation of a sort of national health service, remains elusive.

一种理解是,奥巴马先生的班底有负众望——他们拍胸脯要制定一套计划,结果只拿出来一个概念。One interpretation is that Mr Obama's crew mismanaged expectations—that they promised a plan and came up with a concept.

英格兰不孚众望,格林难辞其咎,但事实上英格兰的表现称不上漂亮,只是开局不错罢了。While Green will inevitably carry the can for this disappointment, in truth it was not a great England performance, just a great start.

他主要就是为了不要有辱家声,有违众望,不要失掉彭伯里族的声势。Not to appear to disgrace his family, to degenerate from the popular qualities, or lose the influence of the Pemberley House, is a powerful motive.

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亚洲完全能够产生一位能力强、孚众望、致力于多边主义、可为国际社会广泛接受的秘书长。Asia is fully capable of producing a competent and prestigious secretary-general committed to multilateralism and broadly accepted by the international community.

茨维塔耶娃是本世纪二三十年代流亡欧洲的俄国女诗人,在俄国诗坛上素孚众望,与安娜·阿赫玛托娃齐名。Zvetayeva was a Russian poetess who went into exile to Europe in the 1920s-1930s. She was full of people expection in poetry circles and was equal famous with Anna.

兼并和收购水平低---新的预测合并曲线没有兑现,深负众望---也在某种程度上归因于经济前景一直摇摆不定。The lack of mergers and acquisitions—the much predicted new merger wave having failed to materialise—also owes something to the continuing uncertain economic outlook.

如果拉脱维亚辜负众望,使国际债权人促成其负债危机或银行挤兑,众人将转而关注其波罗的海邻国爱沙尼亚和立陶宛。If Latvia fails, with a strike by international lenders prompting a debt crisis or a bank run, the spotlight then turns to the neighbouring Baltic states of Estonia and Lithuania.

澳大利亚总理茱莉亚吉拉德宣称澳大利亚和美国是“伟大的伙伴”,然而,对一位获得过诺贝尔奖,背负改变世界众望的总统来说,他此行是失败的。Julia Gillard, Australia's prime minister, pronounced Australia and America "great mates", but by the standards of a world-transforming president with a Nobel prize the trip was a flop.

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挑选颇孚众望的杰拉尔德?福特激起一阵热潮,暂时冲淡了人们对这个行政权力机构日趋瓦解的国家前途的忧虑。The selection of the popular Gerald Ford evoked a wave of enthusiasm that for a moment stilled the worry about the future of a country with a visibly disintegrating executive authority.

古希腊人认为他们处于地球的中心,奥林匹斯山因此是众望的核心,神话中的众神能得此安身之所,应是主宰世界、统治众生的理想之地了。Ancient Greeks reckon they were at the center of the earth while Olympus as a core of worship served as an ideal place for the gods to settle down and to rule the world and its habitants.

星期天在斯坦福的比赛是两名天才前锋之间的较量,一位站在球场上却再一次辜负众望,一位站在球场边让那些质疑者不断地自我掌嘴。Sunday at Stamford Bridge was about two talented forwards, one on the pitch who yet again failed to live up to the hype and one on the sideline who is increasingly making the doubters eat their words.