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被骄阳灼痛的眼睛,流泪了。By sun burning eyes, tears.

骄阳整天火辣辣地晒着我们。The sun beat down on us all day.

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春天里我们期待夏天的骄阳And through the spring on summer call

正午的骄阳高高挂起,那是我日常漫步的去处。There daily I wander as noon rises high.

夏日骄阳伴晴云。When golden summer serenades pure clouds.

你只有在烈日骄阳的时候才戴太阳镜?You wear your sunglasses only when it's sunny?

他们正在骄阳下打谷。They are threshing crops under the scorching sun.

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无惧骄阳,绽现今夏水漾魅力!Protection against summer sun offers you watery charm!

他忍着骄阳的炙烤,小步跑过沙滩。He trotted through the sand, enduring the sun's enmity.

清新如雨后的鼻息,甜美如骄阳的微笑。After the rain, and the sun's sweet like contemned smile.

夏日的骄阳高高挂在天上,天空万里无云一片湛蓝。The sky is cloudlessly blue, with the summer sun high in the.

骄阳偶尔也会藏入乌云中,碧水云天不再。The sun occasionally hidden in the clouds, blue sky no longer.

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他让马的头向着春日的骄阳,他与马的影子却落在了身后。He pushed round the horse's head to face the bright spring sun.

骄阳下他们耐心地站着,象一个小军营。In the blistering sun they stood patiently, like a small battalion.

是谁给了小鸟一个温暖的家,是谁给了我们骄阳下的一片荫凉?Who gave the bird a warm home, who has given us a shade under the sun?

八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。It was in mid-August, and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.

金色的果汁在拿破仑的酥脆间自然流淌,犹如铺洒在黄金海岸上的似火骄阳遇上了层叠的海浪。Golden Mango juice between in Napoleon's crisp, like sun shine on the Gold Coast.

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在犹他州,受干旱困扰的鲍威尔湖的皲裂河床忍受着沙漠骄阳的炙烤。The cracked bed of Utah's drought-plagued Lake Powell bakes under the desert sun.

旧金山白天骄阳当空,夜生活热闹繁华,是个适宜于居住和旅游的好地方。With its hot sun and gay night life, San Francisco is a fine place to live in or to visit.

喜欢你的双唇,就像豆腐脑一样柔嫩欲滴,更像富士苹果一样艳红,恰似骄阳。Like your lips, just as soft as bean curd dripping brain, like the Fuji apple red, like the sun.