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许多东西和科学家们根本风马牛不相及。Many more don't engage with scientists at all.

我当然绝非暗示卫慧是鲍勃。狄伦,那可风马牛不相及。I don't mean to suggest that Wei Hui is the new Bob Dylan.

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成语“风马牛不相及”的典故,就是源于这一次交战前的唇枪舌剑。Idiom "irrelevant" the story is that it stems from a war of words before the war.

作为画家的追求并不妨碍将与其追求风马牛不相及的艺术家作为其策展对象。As a painter pursue not cloggy will pursue irrelevant artist as its curatorial object.

电饭煲和计算机这两个风马牛不相及的东西,被乔布斯联想在了一同。Electric cooker and computer the two have no relevance thing, Jobs was Associate together.

空中杂技与心灵安稳看起来是两件完全风马牛不相及之事。Aerial acrobatics and the attainment of spiritual tranquility may seem unlikely bedfellows.

可能是风马牛不相及的,或者它可能是红斑性丘疹性病变,或可触及性紫癜。Could be totally unrelated, or it could be erythematous papular lesions, or palpable purpura.

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经理人需要反馈,即使这些反馈意见失之偏颇、粗鲁无礼、风马牛不相及或文不对题,而且大部分时候的确如此。Managers need feedback, even if it's biased, rude, off the mark, or irrelevant—and much of it is.

自古以来关于“风马牛不相及”的释义就聚讼纷纷,到底孰是孰非?There are various opinions to the runaway livestock would not reach each other since time immemorial.

与此同时,一些和媒体工业风马牛不相及的公司也把博客做为一种新的商业工具加以利用。Simultaneously, companies far outside the media industry have embraced blogging as just another business tool.

你们截然不同的两个人,观点可能会风马牛不相及,因此你要好好的与你的搭档解释你的观点。You both will be at opposite ends of the spectrum, so you will have to reason with your partner to get your point of view across.

医院,是重病患者忍受病痛,接受治疗的场所,如果真有两种风马牛不相及的事物,那只能是,医院和幽默。If ever there were two things that don't go together, it's humor and hospitals. After all, hospitals are places for the very sick.

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但是,批评者却对洛佩兹与这个意大利品牌之间的联系感到疑惑,称两者之间风马牛不相及,完全让人摸不着头脑。Critics are mystified about the connection between J.Lo and the Italian brand and have called have called irrelevant and pointless.

所有这些看起来风马牛不相及的观点齐聚一堂来讨论递归结构,心灵,人工智能和计算。All of these seemingly diverse topics come together to discuss recursive structures, the mind, artificial intelligence and computation.

让流行歌星菲姬担当雅芳小姐是一件常人看来风马牛不相及的事情。不过她最近已经和雅芳签约来发布她的第一款香水。She's doesn't spring to mind as a typical Avon Lady, but pop star Fergie has signed on to the brand to release her first ever fragrance.

古典、精致、优雅的维多利亚哥特,和前卫、毛糙、尖锐的铆钉头似乎是风马牛不相及的两种类型。The antiquated, refined elegance of Victorian Goth and the rough, edgy futurism of Rivetheads may seem a completely incompatible combination.

我们的体制奖励的是那些掌握大量科技知识的人,但这些技能与对环境的灵敏感缺少联系,与诸如移情这种技能就完全是风马牛不相及。Our system rewards those who can amass technical knowledge. But this skill is only marginally related to the skill of being sensitive to context.

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在编辑窗口,我能随意改变图片的位置,按价格给手提包排序,改变一些图片的大小,删掉一些内容,比如一张黑皮包图片下面的文字描述就与它风马牛不相及。I resized photos to make them smaller or larger and cropped a couple shots such as an image of a black leather bag with an unrelated text description below it.

在一定程度上,“教”是可以被传授的,但这种“教”并不意味着就是许多所谓的学研究生院课上所教的那样——灌输的大都是些枯燥乏味且风马牛不相及的理论和教学法。Teaching can be taught, to some degree, but not the way many graduate schools of education do it, with a lot of insipid or marginally relevant theorizing and pedagogy.

训诂学与当代文学创作似乎风马牛不相及,然而当代作者在从事文学创作时,必然涉及到一些古代汉语和古代文化方面的常识性问题。Gloss seems not be related with the present literary creation. But when the contemporary writers are engaged in literary work, they must meet some elementaty knowledges.