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随声附和他上级的每一句话。He echoed every word of his superior.

他们随声附和他们首领的每一句话。They echoed every word of their leader.

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他们随声附和他们领导人的每句话。They echoed every word of their leader.

“是啊,一样,”马修随声附和,脸上笑意隐约。“Yeah, the same, ” Matthew echoed, a dim grin on his face.

假如凯尔同意,核心会议的多数人会随声附和。If Kyl agrees, the majority of the caucus will follow suit.

他的讲话真荒唐,但有很多人随声附和。What he says is ridiculous, yet many people echo his words.

“好主意!我们可以伪装是骑上去了的!”我随声附和道。"Good idea! We can pretend that we are on them! " i echoed.

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他的讲话真荒唐,但竟然有很多人随声附和。What he said is ridiculous, but many people echoed his words.

当有一个人说这种改变是一个坏主意时,其他人通常会随声附和。When one person says the change is a bad idea, others say the same.

我只随声附和,我的心应节跳舞。Only my voice took up the tunes, and my heart danced in their cadence.

一个微博客鉴于威胁随声附和地表示对贩毒集团的蔑视。One Twitter user echoed that sense of defiance in light of the threats.

赖利打雷,而且他的声音正在滚动启示,随声附和对那举起力量的同时发生。Riley thundered, and his voice was rolling apocalypse, echoing synchronicity to that upheaving force.

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在房子之外,软的隆隆声轮子和蹄夹子嗒嗒声整寂静的晚随声附和。Outside the house, the soft rumble of wheels and the clip-clop of hooves echo through the still night.

每逢听到这样的声音,我便也随声附和一番,觉得很是同情和理解,因为有时我也有同样的感觉。Every time when I hear about it , I also echoed to them and show my commiseration and understanding, because sometimes I have the same feeling.

那些日子,我从未想过去了解你对我唱的歌曲的意义。我只是随声附和,心儿踏歌起舞。On those days I never cared to know the meaning of songs thou sangest to me. Only my voice took up the tunes, and my heart danced in their cadence.

你很害怕,不知道该说什么以及该怎么说,所以,为了避免引起任何争议,你很可能随声附和或者赞同任何正在谈论的内容。You’re frightened of what to say and how to say it, so you pretty much agree or go along with everything that is being discussed in order to avoid ANY sort of controversy.

范妮话很少,只是偶尔对这句话那句话表示同意,听到恭维丝毫没有流露出感激之情,听他夸奖北安普敦郡也不去随声附和。She said little, assented only here and there, and betrayed no inclination either of appropriating any part of the compliment to herself, or of strengthening his views in favour of Northamptonshire.