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张操志是个勇武之人。Zhang was a powerful man.

狮子是勇武的象征。The lion is a symbol of courage.

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狮子是勇武的象征。The lion is the symbol of courage.

勇武如赫克托,他从不知危险是何物。Valorous as a Hector, he knows no danger.

这是我最后一次见到这样勇武的法国男子了。This was the last time I saw this valiant Frenchman.

通过你的努力,你已经让一名勇武的伍基人获得了自由。Through your hard work, you’ve freed a fearsome Wookiee.

阿溪里的勇武是攻克特洛伊城的原因。The valor of Achilles was the cause of the capture of Troy.

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奥运精神是气度绵延的万里长城,赋予我们勇武的魄力。Olympic spirit of the Great Wall is rolling bearing, gives us Yong-wu vigour.

成家的烦恼被伟解决,伟勇武的形象令成一家人产生好感。Wai solves Sing's problem, Sing's family is admired by Wai's courageous image.

他家里的架子上摆满了见证他勇武的奖杯。The shelves in his house were filled with trophies that attested to his prowess.

任何气候都适宜于勇武金鸡的生长,他比本上的禽鸟更土。All climates agree with brave Chanticleer. He is more indigenous even than the natives.

开辟荒原是极有价值之伟业,荣耀、勇武、正义乃为头等重要。The settlement of the wilderness was a worthy endeavour. Honour is important, and courage and justice.

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只见餐桌开始移动,并且几乎是以一种勇武的姿态准备攻击坐在另一端的这个可怜的家伙!The table started moving and with an almost heroic gesture went to attack the poor man seated at the other end!

我知道如何区分勇武的领主和那些胆小鬼们,哪些是忠犬而哪些仅是些墙头草,我可以为她征召到同盟。I know which lords are brave and which are craven, which are loyal and which are venal. I can deliver allies to her.

它所展现的人对自身力量的觉醒与信心,对拼搏勇武精神的崇尚与赞扬,都是历史发展之必然。Humanity's confidence and the advocacy of striving spirit which it has given us are the necessity of history development.

文职首领的职位多为世袭,战争领袖则根据其勇武、战术及经验选出。The position of civil chief was generally hereditary, while war chiefs were chosen for their bravery, skill, and experience.

通常概念下的英雄总是少不了勇武之气,也少不了代表某一群体以及代表某一民族的骄傲。Generally, the heroes are usually full of the chivalrous spirit, and never lack of the pride that on behalf of one group or a nation.

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我们唯一的出路就是军事扩张,运用大和民族的勇武、智慧与精神去征服亚洲,征服世界。We are the only way out is to use large military expansion, and the nation"s valiant, wisdom and the spirit to conquer Asia, conquer the world."

下面有请我们中国石油和化学工业协会的李勇武会长为我们的狮子点睛。Now we will invite Li Yongwu, director of China Petroleum &Chemical Industry Association, to paint the eyes of the lion to start the opening ceremony.

在达拉然下水道,刀锋山,勇武环,你可以给开风暴的战士拉下去,不过记得看根基图腾和法术反射。When in Dalaran, Blade's Edge, and Ring of Valor, you're able to Death Grip the Warrior off a pillar or ledge during the Bladestorm, but you have to watch for a Grounding Totem and Spell Reflect.