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我打算去天河购书中心。A. I am going to Haizhu BookCenter.

天河-1A超级计算机,天津,中国The Tianhe-1A supercomputer in Tianjin, China.

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它从天河的琼水骨化而来。Which is from ossification of water in galaxy.

天河公园到了,在里面开心的玩了大半天。Tianhe Park, inside happy to play most of the day.

今天,我去和我的朋友到天河体育中心。I and my friend went to the Tianhe Sports Center , today.

潘恩知道自己根本跑不过怪兽,情急之中忽然想起了天河尽头的湖泊,于是拼命的向湖泊跑去。Suddenly, Pan remembered that cursed lake and ran towards it.

我们现在是在人工天河,红旗渠畔。Here we are at the man-made heavenly river, the Red Flag Canal.

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牛郎不厌天河阔,织女但求凡世欢。Tianhe not object to Cowboy wide, but Weaver for Huan Firestone.

我们这些牛郎织女都恨透了那条无情的“天河”。We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless "The Milky Way".

使用英特尔和英伟达芯片的天河二号曾以33.86千万亿次问鼎冠军。Tianhe-2 was the fastest with 33.86-petaflop using Intel and Nvidia chips.

弼马温尽责尽职,经常到天河去饮马。The marshal is very responsible, and always waters the horses at Tian River.

这幅令人叹为观止的合成图像展现了天河究竟有多么的浩瀚无垠。This breathtaking composite image shows just how huge the Milky Way really is.

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在这张新的哈勃太空望远镜的图象中,两条天河交缠成一段舞蹈。Two galaxies perform an intricate dance in this new Hubble Space Telescope image.

中国的”天河一号“则排名第五,这也是中国超级计算机目前为止达到的最高排名成绩。At No. 5 is China's Tianhe-1, the highest ranking ever for a Chinese supercomputer.

介绍天河夜总会,金色时代夜总会及新帝濠夜总会。Introduce Fortuna Night Club, Skylight Night-Club Macau and New Emperor Night Club.

李楠说,“天河可以收藏4倍于中国国家图书馆的藏书。Tianhe can store four times of all the books housed in the National Library of China.

武汉天河国际机场已于当日上午晚些时候恢复正常。Wuhan Tianhe International Airport's operation returned to normal later that morning.

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这下一个将要传送的标本是微斜长石,也叫做天河石。This next sample that I will pass around is a microline mineral, also called amazonite.

该大厦座落于崭新的商务中心区,临近地铁站和正对天河体育中心。A brand new building right next to Metro Station and facing Tianhe Stadium within the new CBD.

还包括武汉天河机场,中级法院,香格里拉大饭店等。Also includes Wuhan Tianhe Airport, the Intermediate People's Court, Shangri-La Hotel, and so on.