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云南白药等许许多多。Yunnan Baiyao, and so many.

巴黎有许许多多的历史文物。Paris abounds in historical relics.

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采尔马特小镇有许许多多酒店。There are many, many hotels in Zermatt.

何况我们还有许许多多的事情没跟她说呢。And we had lots more things to tell her.

世界需要许许多多像他们这样的人。The world needs many, many more of them.

有许许多多可选择的项目。There are numerous items to choose from.

这许许多多旗帜给街道增添了色彩。The many flags lend colur to the streets.

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我们能得到许许多多不同比值的重复。So that's a very wide sort of ratio there.

许许多多个深夜,不论何时,随叫随到,不辞辛苦。Many a night, any time, on call, the trouble.

我们当前有许许多多事要做。We have a great many things to do at present.

但有,许许多多其他的方面也很有影响。But lots of other stuff can have an influence.

这篇叙述体有许许多多的真理。There was considerable truth in the narrative.

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何必还要说许许多多经咒、忏法呢?Why did he teach us so many sutras and methods?

这时所有的钟,为许许多多的生命。All the clocks are stuck now, for how many lives.

也是对许许多多蓉城老百姓故事的认可!Chengdu is also recognized by the people of the story!

他想帮助许许多多贫病的非洲人。He wanted to help many poor and sick people in Africa.

分离许许多多的结合,就构成了生活。Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.

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飓风刮倒了许许多多的大树。The hurricane blew down a great number of large trees.

所以我会立即听取你的,赋给你许许多多的爱。爸爸。So I will be hearing from you soon. Lots of ove. Daddy.

因此,许许多多广告只是一种骗人的方式。A lot of advertisements are, therefore, a form of lying.