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扎伊迪于上月在看守所度过了他30岁的生日。Al-Zaidi marked his 30th birthday in jail last month.

指导预审工作和看守所、拘留所、收容审查所的监管工作。To guide the administration of prisons, lockups and asylums.

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他目前被关押在遂宁市看守所。He is currently being held at the Suining City Detention Center.

警察把罪犯用车押送到看守所。The police carted the criminals away to the lockup for prisoners.

人抓到了,在办理各种手续后送进了看守所。People caught in the formalities, and sent to the detention house.

看守所的墙上有一处涂鸦写着"停下来,墨约站在这里。"A piece of graffiti on the wall read, P. MOYO WAS HERE FOR STANDING.

随着2007年那次异常成功的爆破,王也被关进了看守所。A very successful explosionIn 2007, Wang was arrested by the police.

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晋宁看守所和当地警方没有回答问询。The detention center and local police in Puning did not answer questions.

他避开守在看守所外的约二十名记者。He evaded about 20 reporters waiting for him outside the detention centre.

记者刚到看守所时,董林已经吃了一大碗粉汤。Reporters arrived at the detention center, Dong Lin has been eating a bowl Fentang.

看守所是我国审前羁押的主要执行场所。The detention house is the main place for the implementation of pre-trial detention.

张某从看守所回家后变得寡言少语,整天昏昏欲睡。Zhang returned home from the detention center has become quiet, sleepy all day long.

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政府不允许人权监督人员对监狱和看守所进行视察。The government did not permit inspection of prisons or detention camps by human rights monitors.

如果看守所一开始就讲真话,网络上劳师动众的事儿大抵也不会发生了吧?!The whole Internet fire could have been avoided if the prison told the truth in the first place.

我不知道这是朝阳看守所的土政策还是警方试图对家属和公众掩盖事实。Not sure if this is local policy or a further way of hiding the facts from the family and public.

晋宁看守所和当地警方没有回答问询。The detention center and local police in Puning did not buy Warhammer Online Gold answer questions.

这个看守所大概关了500个人,每个房间有十二个床位,都很干净。The building holds about 500 people and each room has a dozen beds. These beds are quite comfortable.

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如果驾驶员无法支付保释金,那么将在看守所度过几周时间,直到出庭。If they are unable to put up money for bail, they may be behind bars for several weeks until a court appearance.

看守所的附属工具性和混关混押的这种现状,给我国的看守工作带来了不便,也滋生了一系列问题。This state of affairs brought about by a number of questions and makes difficult the detention center management.

监区和监室应当设在看守所警戒围墙内。The detention area and detention cells shall be established within the precinct of guard wall of the detention house.