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他已长成一个壮汉。He has grown into a strong man.

这六名壮汉会跟着马车一块走。The six men will walk with the coach.

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为了拯救那五个人你会杀了那壮汉吗?Would you kill that man to save five?

他们的四分卫是个壮汉。Their quarterback is one tough hombre.

希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。The reed did not even give it a second thought.

咱们当中的壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事。The strong man in us strongly hates the wrongdoing.

人们当外的壮汉强烈爱恨那件坏事。The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.

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戴维至少须把七十个壮汉的协助计算进去。David must figure on at least seventy strong men for support.

那个壮汉是我的吉米,他是一家健身俱乐部的教练。The buff guy is my friend Jimmy, he is a coach of a fitness club.

那个壮汉是我的朋友吉米。他是一个健身俱乐部的教练。The buff guy is my friend Jimmy. He is a coach of a fitness club.

制革工坊内部的恶臭令壮汉亦不禁窒息。The interior of a Leather Tanner's workshop can make strong men retch.

唯一能阻止它的办法是把你边上那壮汉推向列车。The only way to stop it is to shove a huge man next to you onto the tracks.

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今天当我回家的时候,三个壮汉突然走近我。Today, as I was walking home, three burly men suddenly began to approach me.

女人的体力本来就柔弱,所以,通常她们都喜欢手臂大的壮汉。Women's physical inherently fragile, so they are usually big arm like bouncers.

炒货山东壮汉一夜之间究竟去了哪里?Did the that stir-fry cargo Shandong for strong man's a night actually go where?

保利在这个家族里面已经招募了两个壮汉,并且指给他们那两个人。Paulie had recruited two of the strong-arms in the family and fingered the punks for them.

绿肠子身材高大,秃顶,好像块石头,手臂粗的堪比壮汉贝沃斯。Greenguts was huge and bald as a stone, with arms thick enough to rival even Strong Belwas.

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一个潜伏者不应该站出来面对一个类似战士的壮汉,也许一个心灵武士可以。A lurk cant stand up face with a bruiser as well as a fighter or even a psychic warrior can.

而在圣经中,天使们却常常是唆使人们互殴的肌肉发达的壮汉模样。In the Bible, however, angels are muscular bullies who frequently goad humans into fistfights.

他们是英雄﹑壮汉﹑养家者﹑武士﹑王国的开创者﹑无所畏惧的人。They are the heroes, the studs, the providers, the warriors, the empire builders, the fearless ones.