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你以为这烘干纸的活轻省啊?Do you think paper drying is an easy job?

他的轭是容易的,他的担子是轻省的。His yoke is easy and His burthen is light.

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由于他的轭是轻易的,他的担子是轻省的。His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light.

由于他的轭是随便的,他的担子是轻省的。His yoke is easy. and His burthen is light.

因为我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

知道有祂与我们同行,这路程一定会轻省许多。Knowing He's with us makes the journey lighter.

现在,羊棚里的草总是乾的,我的工作轻省不少。Now, the sheds keep the hay dry. It relieves me a lot.

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如今添了个助手,你可以稍微轻省点。Now that you have an assistant, you can relax a little.

凡事因有信心而成就。因爱而轻省。Faith makes all things possible, and love makes them easy.

我的轭是容易的,我的担子是轻省的。Do not think of it as a heavy burden or yoke that you have to bear.

要得到神的祝福原来比起要得神的咒诅来得轻省很多。Receiving Of God's Blessings Is Much Straight-forward Than Of God's Curses.

而疾病、轮椅、困难,因有主与我共负一轭,重担已变得轻省了。The burdens of disease, wheelchair, and difficulties became light since God was with me.

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的原文,跟基督说「我的轭是轻省的」的「轻省」属同一个字词。The second word, kindness, is the same word that Christ used when he said 'My yoke is easy'.

小男人一月两月不来缠她,她轻省了许多,夜里能睡囫囵觉,后来却感到了空落。For a month or two, her husband did not come to her. She felt relaxed and enjoyed many good night's sleep.

在这些与主相交的时间里,他会使你的担子变得轻省并给你鼓励,使你心中充满信心。In those moments of communion, He will make burdens light, offer encouragement, and fill His children with confidence.

真的,与同伴一起学习可使学习变得轻省,可将所学记存得更久,又可在日常生活中加以应用。In fact, studying in a group makes learning easier. It helps the student to retain what was learned longer, and practice the knowledge in everyday life.