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第二种,太清高的人。The 2nd kind, too great-hearted person.

哦,倘若你的清高未把欢乐阻碍。O if thy pride did not our joys controul.

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因为一个生命总而言之是一条自命清高之道……MAO – Because a life in balance is a virtuous way.

冤仇和清高可以逆转无知和贪心?。Can hate and arrogance reverse ignorance and greed?

我不会在您抚爱我时显得清高和冷漠。I will not remain aloof and indifferent when you pet me.

他的自命清高使他在下岗后陷入绝望的境地。His loftiness sends him into despair when deprived of his job.

他也不会故做清高,拾青楼女子于不顾。He didn't pretend to be aloof to despise the girl in whorehouse.

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如果我要寻死,我就爬上你的自恃清高,跳入你的智商。If I wanted to kill myself I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

像他这样的美女杀手都追你,就不要太清高了。When such a lady-killer is after you, don't play too much hardball.

外人眼里,她疏离低调,冷傲清高,我行我素。Outsider, she alienated a low-key, lofty, persist in one's old ways.

像市南宜僚这样清高的人,他们是瞧不起我辈人士的。Men of Yiliao are high-hearted guys who look down on the people like us.

联盟号无法将高清高质量的照片发回到地面。The Soyuz wasn't able to send the high quality pictures back to Earth live.

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这不仅仅是对景色的描写,更是诗人清高孤傲的性格写照。This poem not only depicts the scene, but also the high-hearted pride of the poet.

社会优越感、自命清高和恣意放纵是其悲剧命运之所在。Blanche, whose tragedy is caused by her superiority complex, vanity and indulgency.

总以为自己懂很多,整天谈天说地,自命清高。Always thought that to understand a lot of their own, chat all day, pretend to be thou.

但是刘勰、钟嵘所说的“清峻”,就诗风而言主要是“清高”的意思。But what Liu Xie and Zhong Rong meant by "Qing Jun "in poetry style is mainly alwfness.

他唯一的爱好是搞音乐,喜欢自己创作歌曲,喜欢像大多数搞艺术的人一样自命清高。His only hobby is make music, like myself writing songs, like most art as great-hearted.

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她真是自命清高。所认识的那些男人都怕请她出去,怕跟她交朋友。She's such a goody two shoes that all the men I know are afraid to ask her out on a date.

清高的年轻人也希望能进入名企工作。High-minded young people also want to work for companies with a decent ethical reputation.

伯夷因为顾全荣誉、名声而死,就一定清高、神圣吗?Was Boyi certainly sage and aloof because of dying from conserving his honor and reputation?