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使用玻璃制品。Go with glass.

还是化学制品呢Is it a chemical?

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为鲍鱼的干制品。For abalone and dried products.

他做皮革制品的买卖。He buys and sells leather goods.

这家公司经营棉制品。This firm deals in cotton goods.

用于耐火制品。Used for fire-resistant products.

这家公司经营棉制品。This firm deals with cotton goods.

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我是在化学制品部的小辈。I am junior in Chemical Department.

该油漆以粉制品形式出售。The paint is sold in powdered form.

忘掉一切石油制品。Forget anything made with petroleum.

它是塑料制品,来自石油。It’s plastic derived from petroleum.

毛领等皮草制品!The hair gets to wait a furs product!

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这家商店出售各种铜制品。This store sells all kinds of copper.

棉制品适于夏季穿用。Cotton is suitable for wear in summer.

我们不再食用动物制品。We do not use animal products anymore.

盒装“主食”米制品或杂配菜Boxed rice “entree” or side-dish mixes.

陶瓷,玻璃,水晶制品要求。Ceramic, Glass, Crystal, vitro ceramic.

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请问乳类制品在哪里?Excuse me.where are the dairy products?

铜制品并镶有凸面不锈钢片。The brass body & stainless steel wafer.

木料制品常被人们涂以油漆冒充石料制品。Wood is often painted to imitate stone.