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狗也许会脱毛,但猫会把布弄成碎条。Dogs may shed, but cats shred.

使用脱毛膏真的起作用吗?。Use depilate cream act well really?

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激光脱毛要多少钱啊?。Is laser depilated how many money to want?

阉割的雌性脱毛的周期和雄性一样。Spayed females will shed the same as males.

介绍一种保毛脱毛浸灰法。A hair-saving liming process was introduced.

有谁做过激光或光子脱毛?Photon is depilated, laser did not depilate.

激光脱毛算整形手术么?。Is laser depilated calculate plastic surgery?

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脱毛好么,有什么副作用?Had been depilated, what side effect is there?

宰杀,脱毛,挖掉内脏。Slaughter, hair removal, dig out the visceral.

脱毛膏的副作用是什么?。What is depilating the side-effect that cream?

要在她们的护发素里放脱毛霜么?。Put cream depilatories in their hair conditioner?

首先,得声明一下,我并不打算评判那些精心脱毛,全身皮肤如丝般顺滑的女性。I am not going to judge silky-smooth-shaved ladies.

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光子脱毛好还是激光脱毛好?。Has been has been photon depilated or laser depilated?

将脱毛蜡纸剪成合适大小。Tailor the depilation wax paper into appropriate size.

一种脱毛装置,从根本上拉出来的头发。An epilation device that pulls the hair out at the root.

今天我走进房间,我妈正在给屁股涂脱毛蜡。FML。Today, I walked in on my mom trying to wax her butt. FML.

我曾经获得可怕嵌毛发后激光脱毛。I used to get terrible ingrown hairs after laser hair removal.

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阅读女士脱毛器的说明书,然后教你怎么用。Read the introduction of depilation and show you how to use it.

切勿超过10分钟或让脱毛膏于肌肤上风干。Don't leave it on skin over 10 minutes or let it air-dry on skin.

脱毛膏停留在皮肤上所需时间为8-10分钟。Quickly mild depilatory remain in the skin for 8-10 minutes time.