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今年,饲草是不行了。This year, the grass hasn't performed.

苜蓿是家畜的一种重要饲草作物。Alfalfa is an important forage for livestock.

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今年要买饲草就更难了。Straw could be even more difficult to buy this year.

研究A3细胞质在饲草高粱育种上的利用。The development of the A3 cytoplasm in forage sorghum breeding.

作物发育不良的后果之一是饲草的短缺。One of the consequences of stunted crops is a shortage of straw.

结果表明,柠条在冬春季可作为羊的基础饲草利用。Generally, Korshinsk Peashrub can be used in the basal feed for goat in winter-spring.

苜蓿作为优质饲草,对奶牛业的发展至关重要。As a high quality forage, alfalfa is very important to the development of dairy industry.

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适当管理饲料饲草资源的基本原则是理解多年生牧草如何生长。A basic tenet to properly managing forage resources is to understand how perennial grasses grow.

采用铡碎饲草时,瘤胃发酵模式有微小改善。There were minor improvements in the ruminal fermentation pattern when chopped forages were used.

是畜牧业饲草加工、秸杆还田的理想设备。It's a perfect equipment for forage grass processing in stock raising and returning straw to field.

它耐水淹,抗盐碱,耐瘠薄,籽实和饲草产量高,是当地保持水土和发展畜牧业的优良植物。It was a elite plant to develop animal husbandry industry and hold water-soil erosion in local area.

作为饲草品种,饲草玉米的收获期不象籽粒用玉米品种那样严格。As forage species, the harvest stages of forage maize varieties are not as crutial as cultivated maizes.

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因此,在绥德兴建饲料、饲草加工项目条件优越,市场看好。Therefore , It is profitable to build the feedstuff and forage grass processing project in Suide County.

季节转换和饲草料结构的变化是本病发生的主要诱因。The main predisposition of occurrence of this disease lies in the seasonal changes and forage conversion.

研究结果表明,粮食作物与饲草料作物的最佳配比为1∶2.69,饲草作物∶饲料作物为1∶3.55。The results indicated that the optimized proportion of grain crops-forage was 1∶2.69 and grass-feed is 1∶3.55.

同时又引进一种新的饲草绿麦,是生长迅速而需水量低的裸麦。A new hay, triticale, a cross of wheat of rye which grows fast and needs less water, was also being introduced.

羊传染性脓疱主要危害羔羊,严重影响羔羊吸吮乳汁,采食饲草饲料,继而影响增重。Contagious Ecthyma mainly harms lamb and makes it difficult to suck at breast, take forage and increase weight.

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饲草品质性状中除无氮浸出物外其它性状均表现出明显的自交衰退现象。In addition, dominant effects of per parent showed that the most herbage quality trait had obvious selfing depression.

经长期的探索,当地将建设灌溉家庭草库仑,发展饲草料种植作为草原保护,生态建设的重要措施。After long-term explore, people had recognized it is very important to set up some enclosures and to grow the fodder grass.

榆树乡境内森林覆盖率高,草场面积大,自然饲草资源十分丰富,是一个天然的大牧场。Elm Township, the territory of high forest cover, grassland area, the natural grass is very rich in resources, is a natural ranch.