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享原价282元城市之光酒店四人套餐!Share price 282 Yuan City Light Hotel four meal!

他们以原价买回了这幢小别墅。They bought the cottage back at the original price.

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玛莎以原价三分之一的钱买了一套衣服。Martha bought a suit for one-third off the regular price.

你经常能够只花原价的一个零头就买到九成新的货品。You can often get "nearly new" for a fraction of the cost.

票贩子索价十镑向我兜售原价两镑的票子。A ticket tout offered me a two pound ticket for ten pounds.

五月时,一家购物网上,一瓶40盎司的韩资番茄酱原价为2,42美元,如今已低至1美元。In May, according to one shopping website, the price of a 40-oz.

原价是八百元的,七百元就可以卖给你。The original price is eight hundred, I'll make it seven hundred.

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否则没买到的顾客将会从我这里用原价购买。otherwise unsupplied customers will buy from me at the old price.

玛莎以原价三分之一的钱买了一套价值九十美元的西装。Martha bought a ninety-dollar suit for one-third off the regular price.

金首饰售回给珠宝商时通常收不回原价。An item's value generally depreciates when it is sold back to jewellers.

她买了那件短大衣,因为价格从原价降了不少。She bought the coat as it wasconsiderably reduced from its original price.

如果他认为你买得起的话,就会向你索取两倍于原价的钱。He wouldn t scruple to charge you double its value if he thought you d pay.

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非会员可在现已营运的线上商店中以原价购买。Non-members can purchase the cable at original price through the online store.

这个饼干盒的原价折合到今天卖预估是100英镑。Its original cost is estimated to have been about 100 pounds in today's prices.

您可以用远低于原价的价格为您和家人选购优质的二手书。Pick up second-hand books for all the family at a fraction of the original price.

一件东西没有按原价购买的经历前不要买它的特价品。Don't buy anything at a bargain store that you haven't bought before at full price.

原价350英磅,人民币价格5932.50包括运费,海关和进口关税等。Price GBP350.00 or Rmb5932.50 including delivery charges, custom and import duties.

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哦,你一定知道我说的那一种,正在特卖真是便宜,是原价的四分之一,我看到的时候都不敢相信自己的眼睛。Reduced to a quarter of the original price. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them.

但是如果开发商在五年之内没有建造任何东西的话,托莱多可以按原价买回滨水区的房产。But Toledo can buy back the waterfront property at cost if nothing is built in five years.

考虑下衣服的原价以及你穿起来的衣服看上去值多少钱。Consider the price of the item with the original cost and how much you'll wear the garment.