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礼乐之说,管乎人情矣。Lile says that he favors carry on peace pipe.

道教实际上是礼乐文明的继承者。Taoist ritual is actually a successor civilization.

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孔子是儒家礼乐思想的奠基人。Confucius is the founder of Confucian musical ideology.

礼乐相辅最终的目的是为了使“礼”得以实现。The ultimate goal was to make the ceremony to be complemented.

孔子的美学概而言之就是礼乐美学。Briefly speaking, Confucius' esthetics is that of ceremonial rites and music.

从美学角度研究礼乐,它的核心是美与善的关系。Esthetically, its nucleus is the relationship between ideal and friendliness.

诗意流变的过程是与周代礼乐文化的兴衰相始终的。The rise and decline of the culture of Zhou Dynasty can explain the both courses.

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儒家推崇的就是这些礼乐,把流行乐看成是郑卫之声,亡国之音。Confucianist inthroned these rite-music and considered popular music as decadent one.

他通过制礼作乐,建立起一套以礼乐为核心的完整统治制度。It is he who established a whole set of ruling systems by creating rituals and music.

祭祀为礼,祭祀用乐即为礼乐的一种样式。One form of the ritual music is that the fete is the ritual and the fete employs music.

周代是我国历史上礼乐文化最鼎盛的时期。The Zhou Dynasty was the period which the Rite-music Culture had the most celebrated stage.

礼乐制度,正是对于这个严密的宗法等级网的强调和固定。The system of rites and music reinforced and stabilized this strict patriarchal clan hierarchy.

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同时,汉代礼乐的盛行,对汉画像石艺术的发展起到了积极的推动作用。In the meantime, the prevalence of Han rite and music played an important part in this art style.

总之,先秦时期礼乐文化异常发达,雅乐被作为宫廷御用之乐而受到统治阶级的高度重视。Appreciated by the royal court, elegant music has been attached great importance to the ruling class.

孝与礼相结合而为孝礼,是礼乐文化的逻辑起点。Hence filial piety is combined with rituals as Pietyrite which serves as the logic origin of the culture.

对于“诗言志”他也提出了自己的见解,从属于他以“礼乐”为核心的思想理论。The"poetry express ambition", he also proposed his own views, subordinate to his rite-music theory system.

商周时期,礼器和乐器是礼乐制度的物化形态。The ritual and musical instruments in the Shang and Zhou period embodied the institution of rites and music.

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唐代,一个中国历史惟一能真正称为礼乐之朝,文化之邦的朝代。Tang Dynasty, Chinese history, the only really a ritual known as the DPRK, and cultural state of the dynasty.

二为汉代人天命观和礼乐制度的变化在注解中的体现。The second point is that the system changes redquin destiny view of Han people and music system in the comments.

周初制礼作乐,出于礼治文化的需要,对前代礼乐多所损益。At the beginning of Zhou dynasty, rite and music were created to meet the needs of the culture of ruling by rites.