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吃羽扇豆种子做的面包。Eat bread with lupin seeds.

她的头低着,眼睛看着手中的威尼斯鹰羽扇。She looked down at her Viennese fan of eagle feathers.

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她的头低著,眼睛看著手中的威尼斯鹰羽扇。She looked down at her viennese fan of eagle feathers.

怎么拿着我皇母的玉坠羽扇?are you?Why do you have my mother’s jade pendant feather fan?

招贴以羽扇为“智慧”的诠释展开创作。Poster with lupine as the "intelligent" interpretation of start writing.

神仙听完轻摇了几下羽扇,从此桥上就再也没有蚊子了。After listening to a few fairy rocked lupin, then the bridge no mosquitoes.

加利福尼亚州的约塞米蒂国家公园中,一只瓢虫沿着一片羽扇豆叶片爬行。A ladybug walks along a wild lupine leaf in California's Yosemite National Park.

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在美国加利福尼亚州的约塞米蒂国家公园,一只瓢虫正在一株野生羽扇豆的叶子上散步。A ladybug walks along a wild lupine leaf in California's Yosemite National Park.

在美国加利福尼亚州的约塞米蒂国家公园,一只瓢虫正在一株野生羽扇豆的叶子上散步。Bailey A ladybug walks along a wild lupine leaf in California's Yosemite National Park.

然后他找到一种野生的黄色植物叫做羽扇豆,并且种植了30英亩。He then found a wild yellow plant called the Lupin bush, and he planted it on his 30 acres.

缺磷条件下白羽扇豆能够形成排根,并增加有机酸分泌。Phosphorus deficiency results in cluster root formation and increased organic acid exudation.

鹅群开始吃羽扇豆的种子,结果鹅肝变成了嫩黄色。The geese started eating the seed of the Lupin bush and the result was bright yellow foie gras.

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尧派遣舜征讨时,舜只用舞蹈时用的干盾与羽扇便使有苗屈服。When Yao sent Shun on expedition, Shun was able to use props used for dancing to subdue the Miao tribes.

对6-BA影响缺磷的白羽扇豆排根形成和有机酸分泌的可能机制进行了讨论。The possible reasons for the effects on cluster root formation and organic acid exudation by 6-BA are discussed.

通过对羽扇豆种子注入不同种类和浓度的离子,研究了不同离子对羽扇豆当代生长发育的影响。The growth and development of Lupinus polyphyllus seeds with different ion at different dosage implanted were studied.

中国扇子在宋代前是以平扇为主流,包括纨扇、羽扇、蔑竹扇等。Before Song Dynasty, the mainstream style of China's fan is flat-fan, including silk fan, feather fan and bamboo fan, etc.

母亲曾写道她选了羽扇豆花作为自己博客的背景,因为这花于她而言大过了乳腺癌粉丝带主题所包含的意义。Mom wrote about choosing lupine flowers for her blog's background over the pink breast cancer ribbon theme expected of her.

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蓝眼王妃用玉坠羽扇一指,女孩立即像木桩一样站在那里不动了。But the Blue Eye Princess had a point at the girl with the jade pendante feather fan, she stood there immiately like a pole.

我认出了Diana,她终于平静下来,正展开翎毛的羽扇,可能在给我相认的记号。I recognized Diana, at peace at last, fanning herself with a feather punkah, and perhaps sending me a signal of recognition.

近几年来,在秋季的鲑鱼数量少的时候,熊必须寻找其他的食物,如野生浆果、羽扇豆根和贻贝等。In years when autumn salmon numbers are low, the bears must find other food, such as wild berries, lupine roots, and mussels.