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不乏其人。There's no lack of such person.

不乏其人。There is no lack of such people.

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志愿者不乏其人。There was no lack of volunteers.

正在投资亚洲增长题材的不乏其人。Others are latching on to that growth story.

但对香港电影业适应力持积极乐观态度者也不乏其人。But others are courageously optimistic about its ability to adapt.

尽管如此,苏努后代信仰天主教者仍不乏其人。In spite of this, there were no lack of such people among Su Nu's descendants.

其效果是有目共睹的,哑巴英语不乏其人。The learning effect is obvious to all, there's no lack of dummy English learners.

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主张保留和废除的学者都不乏其人。Scholars advocating the preservation and scholars advocating the abolition both exist.

事实上,持只有自己不能动手翻译的人才成为了翻译理论家观点的不乏其人。In fact, some insist that only those who cannot translate become theorists of translating.

我的家族中心脏有问题的不乏其人,所以忽略操练身体实在不明智。Since heart problems run in my family, I knew that ignoring my physical fitness was foolish.

而且,从业经验与招聘职位对口的求职者也不乏其人。Some of those candidates are going to have exactly the industry experience they're looking for.

心胸狭隘的官员、粗鲁的侍者和无礼的出租车司机在美国也不乏其人。Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill- mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US.

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老师在评讲时说,特鲁希略诚然是国家元老之一,但国父并不乏其人。The teacher commented that certainly Trujillo was one of the fathers of our country, but there were others.

另外以为太极、以气为太极者,亦不乏其人,形成种种不同的学说。In addition, some people thought the Tai-chi was based on heart or chi, and therefore formed various methods.

法律与文学的讨论肇始于美国,国内法学界对于该问题的探索也不乏其人。The discussion which began in the US, of the relationship between literature and law has now caught some attention in China.

企业负有社会责任这一观念已经深入人心,研究者不乏其人。The concept of corporate social responsibility has gained wide recognition, and there are so many researchers studying this topic.

把这种立体艺术移栽在纸上,使之变为平面艺术的,在画界也不乏其人。The effort of transplanting stereoscopic art on paper to produce works of plane art is not an isolated phenomenon in the art community.

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事实上,在我国,散文翻译的份额很大,从事英语散文翻译工作的也不乏其人。Historically speaking, in literary translation studies, much attention has been given to the translation of poetry and fiction in China.

其间,虔诚传教者有之,热心于慈善教育事业者有之,致力于文化传播者更不乏其人。Among them, inclusive of pious preachers, charitable and educational business devotees as well as the cultural circulation dedicators, were noticed.

不论是过去,还是当今的学术领域,对中国无政府主义的研究不乏其人,著作和文论屡见不鲜,但都是从政治学或社会学的角度来研究。In the used days or nowadays, as far as the study of the China Anarchism, the books and articles about anarchism are very very large, but all these study it from the eyes of politics and sociology.