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言归正传,画家们都画什么Anyway, what did people paint?

言归正传。It's time to get back to learning.

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闲话少说,言归正传。To talk idly, especially to gossip.

好了,言归正传,说说我都看见了什么,真激动!Ok, so back to what I saw, very exciting!

言归正传,继续我们的话题——精神主义与金钱主义。So, back to the topic –spirituality and money.

言归正传,我们要计算他的能量。But let's say we wanted to calculate the energy.

言归正传,中国政府会关掉新浪微博吗?So, would the Chinese government shut down Sina Weibo?

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好了,言归正传。这是我要用的命令。Well, back on-topic. This is the command that I would use.

言归正传,你们填好了没All right, how are we doing now on filling out those forms?

言归正传吧,我有了一些钱,但是没有很多钱。But back to the point. I had some money but not lots of money.

言归正传,最近真的很多食店在Kepong开档了。Back to the story, Recently, a lot of restaurants opens in Kepong.

言归正传,科学存在于很多电影之中,而不仅仅是科幻电影。Well there is science in many films, not just science-fiction films.

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言归正传,我们展示了五种制造地震的方法。After the jump, we present the top five ways to create an earthquake.

我们以后再谈你的点子,现在咱们言归正传。We can talk about you idea later, but now lets get back to our muttons.

言归正传,现在是该熟悉这种开采钻石的机器的时候了。It’s time to get acquainted with the very machine that extracts diamonds.

言归正传,家父也发现了有趣的另一面。Joking aside, my father also noticed another interesting facet to the evening.

言归正传,行为主义的核心,由三个非常极端又很有趣的观点组成。Now, at the core of behaviorism are three extremely radical and interesting views.

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言归正传,这是创建成功的网上业务的7个有效的步骤With all that said, here are 7 effective steps for creating a successful online business

艾丽阿娜,我们言归正传吧,进入,下一章,是一个阶段学说。Arianna, you wanna bring us back? Let's go into the next chapter, which is a stage theory.

他写下了控制的重要性,“现在言归正传,看看你看到什么,听听你听到什么,你现在觉得有多爽。”Return to it now, seeing what you saw, hearing what you heard and feeling how good you felt.