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这滋润了有些失真。This softens the distortion somewhat.

她通过扬声器说话的声音失真了。Her voice over the loudspeaker was distorted.

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Trainz模拟器总谐波失真是Android的一个世界第一!Trainz Simulator THD is a world first for Android!

结果会造成图象扭曲和颜色失真。This may result in a distorted or miscolored picture.

超低失真的极端声压级。Ultra-low distortion at extreme sound pressure levels.

和目标值比较几乎总会导致失真。Measuring against targets almost always causes distortion.

好了,你已经创造了失真感觉的雪球效应。Voilà! You’ve just created a snowball effect of fuzzy feelings.

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文中叙述了偏转线圈光栅失真的分析方法。An analysis method of DY Raster distortion is described in detail.

斑点是电影档案中比较常见的一种失真。Blotch is a typical defection in degraded motion picture material.

这个m文件产生了失真信号。These m-files are generic implementation of distortion of signals.

分析失真产物频点位置的规律。Analyses the frequency regulation of non-linear distortion outcome.

然而我们如何敢断定自己看到的现实景象是真切的、不失真的呢?But how do we know we have the true, undistorted picture of reality?

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请不要把音量电平调到高于失真点。The volume level should not be turned up to the point of distortion.

数字波形合成,波形反馈技术,电源失真度低。Digital wave synthesis, wave feedback technology, low power distortion.

平衡失真往往是创伤性脑损伤带来的结果。Distortion of balance is often a consequence of traumatic brain injury.

这幅色彩失真的图像显示出覆盖泰坦的薄雾的所有详细信息。This false color image shows the details of the haze that covers Titan.

使用这种不变性,首先检索的几何失真。Using this invariability, the geometrical distortion is first retrieved.

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这是萨义德在美国所体验到的失真的伊斯兰文明。That is the distorted Islamic civilization experienced by Said in the US.

这是主要的原因,我选择谐波失真测试扫荡。This is the primary reason I choose sweeps for harmonic distortion testing.

为防止数据失真,PROFIBUS-DP有“数据一致性”的特点。To prevent data skew PROFIBUS-DP has a feature known as "data consistency".