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当然,这项调查所发现的结果只能证明关联性而非因果性。Of course this study finding shows correlation not causation.

休谟问题是关于因果性的问题,其中蕴含着归纳问题。The Hume issue is about cause and effect and contains induction.

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报告作者强调,他们的发现是关联性的,并非因果性的。The authors stress, however, their finding is a correlation, and does not show causation.

讨论不确定离散广义系统的因果性鲁棒控制问题。The solvability problem of robust non causality elimination is discussed by using feedback control.

他对这两种知识进行研究后,对包含因果性的因果推理提出了怀疑。He is skeptical about causal reasoning which includes causality after the study of the two kinds of knowledge.

我们研究了住进默西塞德郡医院的病人并分析可疑的ADRs的因果性和严重性。We studied patients admitted to wards in Merseyside hospitals and analysed suspected ADRs for causality and severity.

第三章主要研究了交易量与价格变动之间的动态关系,主要研究方法是格兰杰因果性检验。In the third chapter, causality tests are used to examine the relationship between the return rate and trading volume.

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但是,他们对因果性的意义、原因与结果的对应关系以及作用形式的分析互不相同。Nevertheless, they differ in the analysis of the meaning of causality, relation of cause and effect and their functions.

必须明确地告知患者体位的因果性变化及由此导致的疼痛。The 'Cause and Effect' of changes to the patient's postures and the resulting pain must be clearly demonstrated to the patient.

本研究探讨了在汉语句子理解中动词隐含因果性对代词指认的影响。This study examines the effect of implicit verb causality in determining the antecedent of a pronoun in Chinese sentence comprehension.

他否认因果性反映任何实在,也反对因果观念有传统认识论意义上的不可或缺性。He denies any correspondence of causality and actuality, and the indispensability of causality concept in traditional epistemology as well.

换句话说,社会科学家仍要继续研究以证实相貌与投票之间的关系是因果性的,而不只是一个相互关系。That is, social scientists are still concerned with showing the relationship between looks and votes is causal, and not a mere correlation.

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本文用四个实验探讨了汉语句子理解中动词的隐含因果性特征对代词加工的影响。Four experiments were performed to examine the effect of the implicit causality of Chinese verbs on pronoun resolution in sentence comprehension.

但是,在一系列事件的因果性中,哈姆雷特这种喜爱对生命沉思的心性气质缺少发展与成熟的时间。However, in a series of incidents in the causality, Hamlet lives to meditate on this predilection Character development and the lack of time to mature.

休谟认为,如果“自然齐一性”——或者说因果性的这个大前提是站不住脚的,那么以这个原理为前提的对因果推断的证明就将被推翻。Hume argues that if uniformity of nature, or the premise of causality, is wrong, then the proof of causal reasoning based on the principle will collapse.

对于一个具有有理系统函数的系统来说,系统的因果性就等效于ROC位于最右边极点的右边的右半平面。For a system with a rational system function, causality of the system is equivalent to the ROC being the right-half plan to the right of the rightmost pole.

观察法和专题讨论法适用于探索性调研,问卷调查法适用于描述性调研,而实验法适用于因果性调研。While observation and focus groups are best suited for exploratory research, surveys are best suited for descriptive research and experiment for causal research.

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语言中的目的范畴内在隐含着因果性,同因果范畴既有联系又有区别。Although the category of aim in a certain language contains built-in causality, it manifests certain connections with and differences from the category of causality.

本文考察了物理学中因果性概念的演变过程,阐述了亚里士多德自然哲学、牛顿力学、相对论和量子力学中的因果性概念。This paper examines variance on concept of causality in physics, concepts of causality in Aristotle, Newtonian mechanics, special relativity and quantum theory are expounded.

这正是没有因果性,没有记忆,没有进程,没有年龄老化或新陈代谢或像这样的任何事物的空宇宙里发生的事情。It’s just that events that happen in that empty universe don’t have causality, don’t have memory, don’t have progress and don’t have aging or metabolism or anything like that.