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女孩们越来越贪得无厌。Girls demanding more.

或者贪得无厌、自私自利、冷漠无情,诸如此类。Or greedy, selfish, uncaring, or whatever.

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你需要克服总是贪得无厌的心态。You’ve got to overcome always wanting more.

贪得无厌的恶习毁掉了那个守财奴的幸福。The demon of greed ruined the miser's happiness.

贪得无厌-不要让你自己变的贪心和狡诈。– Don't let greed and deceit get the best of you.

年老时血气衰弱,要警戒,不可贪得无厌。In old age, he should abstain from acquisitiveness.

如我们所知,Cephalus,,we,learn,终其一生都在从事贪得无厌的艺术。Cephalus has spent his life in the acquisitive arts.

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贪得无厌的人,必然招致祸殃。Insatiably greedy people will surely invite misfortunes.

最贪得无厌的公司往往是工程队。The most acquisitive firms tend to be engineering groups.

贪得无厌是用欲望铺就的通向坟墓的路。Is insatiably greedy is with the desire shop on to grave road.

有多少钱能填满,一个贪得无厌的人的欲望啊!How much money can fill, a be insatiably avaricious man's desire!

贪得无厌-不要让你自己变的贪心和狡诈。Personal greed. – Don’t let greed and deceit get the best of you.

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女士们,请接受这一点,男人对性是贪得无厌的。Ladies, accept it, men have an almost insatiable appetite for sex.

迈达斯是传说中弗律癸亚国的国王,他是一个贪得无厌的人。Midas is a legendary king of Phrygia who was insatiably avaricious.

他饥饿且贪得无厌,是一条“咬尾的龙蛇”。He is ravenous and insatiable, the "dragon-snake that eats its own tail".

类星体就像是宇宙中最贪得无厌,最无法无天的怪家伙。Quasars are perhaps the most ravenous and immortal beasts in the universe.

他不仅不知足,反而总是贪得无厌。Instead of contenting himself with what he had, he was always asking for more.

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法律是个无底洞,它贪得无厌、掠夺成性,吞食所有的东西。Law is a bottomless pit, it is a cormorant , a harpy, that devours everything.

而国家已被目空一切的银行和贪得无厌的跨国公司所颠覆。The state has been overthrown by roistering banks and grasping multinationals.

贪得无厌的人好奇,似乎要尝试克隆自然的一切。People are insatiably curious and seem determined to mine every nook of nature.