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出版物…Publication Publ.

接受出版物的采访。Give interviews to publications.

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在出版物中使用世界卫生组织会徽Use of the WHO emblem in a publication

这是卡吕普索出版物的网站。This is the website for Calypso Publications.

这个出版物的质量是一流的!The quality of this publication is first-rate!

他们没收了他的非法出版物。They have disfurnished him of his illegal press.

玛丽恩·利塞霍拉写的一份每月的出版物。A monthly publication written by Marion Lisehora.

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在过去,大多数出版物的出版。In the past, most publications were self-published.

除非特别注明,这些出版物都是免费的。Unless noted otherwise, these publications are gratis.

拉塞尔夫人尽拿些新出版物来惹我厌烦。Lady Russell quite bores one with her new publications.

这一套书是联邦最高法院的官方出版物。These volumes are an official publication of the Court.

据说黄历是古传的有名的出版物。It is said to be the oldest continuous publication known.

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世界卫生组织对其网站和出版物行使版权。WHO exercises copyright over its website and publications.

各种出版物的设计及印务,如小册子,手册,名片等。Design and production of brochures, booklets , name cards etc.

有关助航仪器和航海出版物的术语。To remember terms on aids to navigation and nautical publication.

这个学术研讨会有任何杂志或出版物吗?Will there be publications or other output from this colloquium ?

最近的出版物在共青团真理报已经派上用场。The recent publications in Komsomolskaya Pravda has come in handy.

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“三审制”是我国出版物质量的有效保障制度。"Triditing System" is an effective system for publication quality.

包括教育方法,评判事例,文章和出版物。Includes teaching methods, sample syllabi, essays, and publications.

出版物断章取义,歪曲了他的数据。Publications glommed on to his findings and then distorted the data.