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一片嘈杂声把我弄得昏头昏脑。I was confused by all the noise.

一连串的问题弄得他昏头昏脑。He is puzzled by a rain of questions.

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喝了两杯酒就昏头昏脑的了。After a couple of wines my head felt all muzzy.

这位经理整天忙得昏头昏脑。The manager busied himself all day and got addle brained.

在除夕隔夜的早晨,我们都觉得昏头昏脑的很不舒服。We all felt under the weather the morning after New Year's Eve.

昏头昏脑的绅士认为警察不会回来了,就开车回家了。The dizzy driver, figuring that the policeman wasn't coming back to him, drove home.

他的女儿们对于他的理论只报以微小的尊重,也许更常埋怨他的昏头昏脑。His daughters had but scant respect for his theory and were perhaps constantly upbraiding him for his infatuation.

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如果你泡茶时却昏头昏脑地把茶包扔进开水壶里,或冲燕麦粥时稀里糊涂把橙汁倒了进去,你的大脑此时很有可能处于“微睡眠”状态。If you have ever absentmindedly put a teabag in the kettle, or poured orange juice on your cereal, blame it on a 'micro-nap'.

如果你泡茶时却昏头昏脑地把茶包扔进开水壶�,或冲燕麦粥时稀�糊涂把橙汁倒了进去,你的大脑此时很有可能处于“微睡眠”状态。If you have ever absent-mindedly put a teabag in the kettle, or poured orange juice on your cereal, blame it on a 'micro-nap'.

但在同时,我们看见科学家们被嘲弄为昏头昏脑的书呆子或者冰冷无情、没有激情的怪物制造者。Yet at the same time, we see scientists derided as fuzzy-brained eggheads or as coldly ruthless, emotionless makers of monsters.

这名还在现场留下一把燃烧的喷枪的窃贼,预料已严重灼伤、「怒发冲冠」、昏头昏脑。The thief, who also left a lit blow torch at the scene, is expected to be badly charred, spiky haired and not exactly the brightest bulb in the socket.

从前有个混账的笨瓜说过必须防护侧翼的话,打那以后全世界的王八蛋就一直都在昏头昏脑地防护他们的侧翼。Some Goddamned fool once said that flanks must be secured and since then sons of bitches all over the world have been going crazy guarding their flanks.

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她那么有同情心,又那么漂亮,让我妻子惊讶得昏头昏脑,竟没有问她的姓名。She rushed in bareheaded, carrying him in her arms, with his knee all beautifully bandaged, and was so sympathetic and beautiful that my wife was too dazzled to ask her name.

除了那两条杂种狗,其他狗都被身处的陌生而恶劣的环境及所受到的虐待弄得昏头昏脑,不知所措。With the exception of the two mongrels , they were bewildered and spirit-broken by the strange savage environment in which they found themselves and by the ill treatment they had received.

当然,也将会有些人选择通过偏见的眼光来看这部电影,并且嘲笑纯素食革命为再一个像昏头昏脑的加州之梦和新潮愚昧的例子。Certainly, there will be those who choose to look at thisfilm through jaundiced eyes, and ridicule the vegan revolution as one moreexample of hippy-dippy Californiadreaming, nouveau foolishness.