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这项决议案不痛不痒。This is an innocuous resolution.

他在会上讲了些不痛不痒的话。He made some perfunctory remarks at the meeting.

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而很多女性也发现,不痛不痒的决定其实不能解决问题。The soft decision is never a real option, as many women find.

现实教会我不痛不痒不在乎,不闻不问不动情。I don't care about the reality of the church is not indifferent emotion neither painful nor itching.

不痛不痒的积极言辞对自己的情况根本于事无补,也无法帮助你扭转糟糕的局面。Making positive statements that don't reflect reality will neither help your case nor increase your chances of fixing a bad situation.

一段时间以来,中国人爱发表些不痛不痒的话以对深陷债务危机的欧洲表示支持。For some time, Europeans, caught in the debt crisis, had found bland expressions of support for the euro by Chinese leaders reassuring.

科学家说虽然结果让人不痛不痒,但是他们首次证明这样的做法抗击艾滋病是可能的。Scientists said that while the findings were modest they offered the first evidence that such an approach to fighting Aids was possible.

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反正家庭相关的建设还有许多其他的事可以做嘛,就先做做不痛不痒的准备调查和研究,六月的第一个星期再开始动手。Still, there's always lots of research to be done in a home-related plan, so dig in and do that, with an eye to act in June's first week.

作为曾经的反对派,西斯内罗斯正面临着谴责,说他现在播出的那些不痛不痒的新闻是他和查韦斯达成交易的结果。Mr Cisneros, once an opposition supporter, has faced accusations that his channel's anodyne news output is the result of a deal with Mr Chá vez.

以前不懂得持家艰辛,甚至盼望能多来几次不痛不痒的小病,让我多点享受父母的呵护。Household did not previously know how hard, and even look forward to little more than a few superficial disease, let me point to enjoy their parents.

因为华伦报告如此不痛不痒,所以让观众似乎比较能忍受斯通的手法与他搬到电影中的堆积如山的垃圾。The irresponsibility of the Warren report somehow makes one less indignant about Stone's methods and the 500 kitchen sinks that he has heaved into his story.

警察以前犯规时都会收到一份书面通知,但对他们来说不痛不痒,现在他们则须配戴很「娘」的闪亮臂章。Officers who broke these rules before were given a written notice. But that didn't seem to bother them much. Now they will have to wear bright "sissy" armbands.

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他们的极端手段看起来是个不痛不痒的玩笑,但相关人士指出这种“反情人节”现象实为“剩男”“剩女”现象愈演愈烈的折射。Their extreme measures may be a light joke, but observers point out that the growing anti-Valentines Day sentiment also sheds light on the increasing phenomenon of "leftover" men and women.

他们的极端手段看起来是个不痛不痒的玩笑,但相关人士指出这种“反情人节”现象实为“剩男”“剩女”现象愈演愈烈的折射。Their extreme measures may be a light joke, but observers point out that the growing anti-Valentine's Day sentiment also sheds light on the increasing phenomenon of "leftover" men and women.